Least they are suppose to be. We had the Winter Solstice so all the days should be getting longer. Just in the nick of time too. Starting to get more lethargic. Anyway yesterday I did some snooping. I was trying to figure out why everyone kept calling Carlos Montenegro Fredy Navas. I was figuring it was a previous alias. I've never been able to find him when searching sites that sell adult dvds. So I did a google search. Turns out that Fredy Navas is the real name of Carlos Montenegro. So that made me happy finally putting an end to that mystery. Now the other mystery is trying to figure out if he's straight or gay. The only reason why that even came up is because I was searching mymusclevideo for a video to post and I saw one of him having sex with a woman. The thing is he fucks like a gay man. He kisses a guy like a gay man. So was he just "straight for pay" or is he actually bi or what? It's just my curious nature. It really is only his business, but I just like to know.
Today I was in the shower and I was doing some soul searching. Anyone that actually follows my postings has probably gotten several mixed messages. So that got me thinking. Maybe the reason why I'm always changing is because well I still haven't really matured. I'm still in my 20's. If I ever had to date again I think I'd have some clue of what I wanted, but not a complete idea. Physically I know what I like, but I don't think that's how I'm going to be choosing my dates. I think for me my ideal guy is the one that captures my heart not my eyes. I've met guys that physically would be my perfect or near perfect guy, but had crappy attitudes. I see it all the time going through the sites I go through. If I meet a guy that is my emotional perfect guy the rest will fall into place. I that well basically is my boyfriend now. Someone with a sense of humor. That cares about my wants and needs like I care for theirs. I want a guy that can give me those verbal jabs. The type where you know their joking and right at the same time. All that physical stuff will fade over time, but a good personality is forever.

Two reasons why I like this pic. The first is that it is one of my favorite poses. The second is the fact that clearly this guy looked for the skimpiest poser he could find. If he was to become aroused for any reason there is no way his dick will stay in there. It's starting to pop out on the top just a little bit. Now moving more north he has a pretty cute face too. It's the type of face that you know is attached to an amazing body. I'm sure you've seen guys like that. You only see their face, but you just know they are built and you're right.

This is a pic of Rico Deluce a.k.a. Rico Romanio. Least I think that was the name he used on muscle hunks. The sad thing about this pic is that it's not him at his biggest. Seems like he did his stuff for muscle hunks and Blue Blake he was a lot bigger. That being said he doesn't look terrible. Still has that latin charm. Plus his dick looks only half hard. Plus this photo appears to be from a photo essay. Wouldn't mind keeping his motor running.
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