Unlike most people I love Wednesdays. Mainly because that's the day me and my boyfriend snuggle up in the love seat and watch our comedies on ABC. It may sound like a small thing, but I love it. I love snuggling up to him and having a good laugh. I love being with him and I don't need to go out and do things to feel close to him. We honestly are more homebodies then anything. Plus it's Winter so there is really no push to go back out. It gets dark around 5. The sad thing is come summer when it doesn't get dark until 9 I still won't want to do anything, but he will. I love the little things about being in a relationship with someone. Being able to feel like you don't have to keep impressing them to keep their attention. The fact that you can just snuggle with them and they'll enjoy it. Last night we got into a "fight" just for the fun of it. I don't even remember what I said, but he chased me around the apartment threatening to hit me with his rubber glove. I love doing things like that with him. It's things like that that make me want to do a freeze frame. I don't want things to change. Or the fact that we can be sitting on the love seat and I can kiss his ear. He never has said he hated it. Granted he rarely hates when I kiss him. I squeeze him when I hug him to kinda remind myself that yeah he's real. It's things like that, that make me happy. No matter what small things he does that annoy me or vice versa the big picture always makes me happy. Just wish the world wasn't so judgemental and we could go out and hold hands like a real couple. That's all we would do. We both hate PDA. It can be a straight or gay couple. Either way we don't need to see that. We get it you two are a couple now move on.

I figured this photo goes great with the three I posted yesterday. Seeing a bodybuilder stick his hand in another guy's posers. You know a good portion of them want to do it. I think since bodybuilding is a sport this should be allowed. The reasoning is, like any other sport, you want to win. And even if that means distracting your opponent. Well what's more distracting then some guy fondling your junk. Kinda hard to pose like that. Makes perfect sense.

Now this is a pose you rarely see. How often do you see a guy doing a double bicep with cum dripping off his chin and all over his chest. It's kinda a shame too. The guy has great arms. Great body on him. Cute smile. Love the fact he's covered in cum. Hey he had a great time and it's all over his face and chest. This is another thing that should be allowed in bodybuilding. Again a distraction technique.

Do not remember where I got this pic. Plus it's just a few weeks out of season, but it still works. I mean if that was my boyfriend's present for me then well I wouldn't mind the fact that he "unwrapped" it. Frank Defeo is a guy that honestly looks better hairy. Makes him look all butch. I mean he looks great as a muscle bear. Wish he went around like this more often. Especially in the winter time. Who wouldn't want to snuggle up to that for warmth.
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