I'm in a surprisingly good mood today. I have no idea why. I mean I had someone who sent an e-mail to my boss to complain, had a customer who yelled at me and was mentally unstable, and a guy who basically wasted my time, yet I'm still feeling pretty good. I have no clue why. I'm not saying that I should be moping, but honestly today is just not a day I'd expect to be in a good mood. I mean I think I'm getting sick. My right toes are acting up. Look like they have sores on them. It's still cold out, and yet I feel happy. Maybe it's because my boss didn't jump down my throat about the customer. I really don't know what it is. On a normal day I'd be spitting fire. Maybe it's because tomorrow I have off. I really don't know. I wish I did so I could keep it going on days like this. I did edge today, but well not like I shot a load or anything. Who knows. All I know is that no one can seem to bring me down. That's not a challenge or anything mind you. That's just how I feel. Oh and my blog will be a year old on the 18th. Just fyi.

I said it before and I'll keep saying it until it's not true. I like master class bodybuilders. They have bodies to truly be proud of. It's easy for guys my age to get buff. Biologically everything is in our favor. When you hit like 45 and up that's when biology is not your friend. So I really can appreciate when I see a master class bodybuilder. Plus I figure they are a lot more fun in bed too. The reason being is they have that maturity that makes them more relate-able in bed.

Whenever I look at this picture my mind plays tricks on me. It wants to say hey this is a morphed picture, then I look at it more and no it doesn't looked morphed. It has to do with this guy's face. Seems to small for the body. I mean it looks like this guy did roids, but just doesn't have the gut. I mean he truly looks like an all natural bodybuilder. Doesn't have the signs that he does steroids like most bodybuilders at that size. I could be wrong of course. It's just shocking looking at it. Like I said my mind doesn't want to believe it's true, but has nothing to point to that says it's fake.

Now this picture was just shocking to me. I did not know that John Cena use to body build. I'm not saying he doesn't look like he could now. It just doesn't seem like well the route most go. Seems like professional wrestling leads to bodybuilding. Probably because of the fact I'm thinking of Lex Luger. Anyway he looks so much smaller here too. Well I guess it does make sense when I think about it. I know that he was in the military. Looks like he's on a base in the picture. I believe there is a unit in the military where all they do is body build. They don't actually see combat. Least I don't think they do. I'll have to look that up.
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