I was edging per usual today and I saw Devin in another video where he got fucked. As I was watching I was kinda skipping through the interview part (because it was boring as hell and awkward), but I stopped and listened to something. Then suddenly everything became just a bit clearer. Devin said that he's done straight porn (don't know if it's true or not), but found that the pay for gay porn was much higher. Well that makes sense. Porn is honestly made for guys. Plus I'm sure porn scouts are always looking for the next big star. Then he also said that when he got into a relationship his girlfriend said no more straight porn. Why did I miss that obvious of an answer. Yet at the same time it raises more questions then answers. Would a girlfriend or wife really be ok with their guy having sex with another guy. Wouldn't they be too afraid that they might like it a little too much. I keep bringing this up because I believe it to be true, but only 10% of men are truly straight and another 10% are truly gay. The rest fall in the middle. I know I wouldn't want my boyfriend having sex with girls just on the off chance he might like it and say hey I'll start fucking women. Maybe it's just a story these guys make up to feel less judged. Either way I feel like I finally have gotten a little insight into the world of gay for pay. Still don't understand it, but I'm sure a lot of straight guys say that about being a homosexual.

The hairy guy that's being fucked is Adam Russo. Least that's the name I know him by. Anyway he is one half of the duo that is in my opinion the hottest I'm a married Man clip ever. Don't worry I found it in shareable form and I plan on posting it soon. That's really the only reason why i posted this picture. Then again I could be wrong and it's a guy that just looks like him. Yet I'm pretty positive it's him.

This always seems to be the common look for bodybuilders. That look of slinging something over their shoulder. Seemed like every time I pop open a fitness magazine I see this pose. Usually there are clothes on, but still. The other thing I notice is that's a pretty full poser. Along with those the fact that those are massive legs. In fact this guy is massive in general. That's honestly how my mind works. I said before I'm complicated.

I'm sure the thing we aren't seeing in this picture is a guy sucking this guy off. I'll get to that later. I like the way this photo was cropped. I'm a pec guy. I've said it many many many times. I like a guy that has a nice chest on him. I know I'm not the only one since well there are guys with usernames like peclover, or nips4life, or guys that post videos of nothing but pec bouncing. Just that it's hard not to notice a guy with a nice chest. It's one of the many things I notice about a guy. For me it depends on if he's clothed or not, but it usually goes chest, arms, legs, ass, back, stomach. Yes I do notice the dick, but again it depends on if the guy is clothed or not. Plus when they are just the right size to compliment the traps it makes a guy just look bigger. It's just the way it makes the collarbone pop as the separation between massive traps and massive pecs.
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