So as I was sitting there edging I was watching Dodger Wolf again. I just got thinking about if I was to make a list of 5 guys I'd like to sleep with he'd be on it for sure. This was kinda what if moment. What if my boyfriend came up to me and said make a list of 5 guys that you'd want permission to sleep with if they approached you. Yeah I do actually have these types of conversations in my head. So that got me thinking. Who would be on this list and in what order. Well I think the first three in this exact order would be Vince Ferelli, Dodger Wolf, and Skye Woods. I think my number 4 and 5 would constantly change. Just based on videos I see and stars coming and going. Vince is first because honestly he's like my ideal man. He has the size I like. Plus he's not too much older then me. I also get the feeling that he'd be a great guy in and out of bed. I haven't seen a guy that would really top him for me. Dodger Wolf is next because he's another ideal I like. He's a very hairy man. He has this butchness that I like. His cock is perfectly shaped. Not too big, not too small. He knows how to use it to. I could see that being really fun in bed. Skye is third mainly because Dodger came along. I like Skye, but just seems that he's a little more passive then I like. Least in the scenes I've seen him in. Yeah he has the muscles and the ass, but I'd choose Vince or Dodger first. He's still on the list, just not my number 1 or 2. I really don't know who would be 4 or 5. There is this guy that I found recently (have a picture of him too) that would be on my list, but I'd have to see him in more things. He has the personality and smile, but not sure how he is in bed. Would like to see him fuck or get fucked by a guy. Anyway the list really doesn't matter since 1. the guys would have to approach me and 2. I live in a way out of the glamor town. The chances that any of these guys would be in the neighborhood is like 1 in a zillion. I have a better chance of getting hit by a meteor. Or winning the lottery. Both could happen, just highly unlikely. Before I get to the pictures I found this video that well I just had to share. I'm not sure if some of you know this, but there are some guys (mostly in Brazil and other Latin countries) where guys inject a type of oil into their muscles. The thought behind it is they look bigger and fuller. It doesn't make the muscle any stronger. Just a vanity thing. There are quite a few of them online. If you type in synthol in google you'll see what I mean. Well I bring that up because I found a video of one of these guys jacking off. The guy clearly had it injected into his biceps and traps. I mean when he walks down the stars and turn the corner you just know that they look unnatural. Same with the biceps. They look kinda in a permanent state of being flexed. Plus this guy shoots like nothing which is a shame because he has a great looking cock. Sad that some guys do this to themselves.
Alright this is the guy I was talking about earlier. His name is Rocky LaBarre. I found a video picture of him and just said wow this guy is great. He has an amazing smile. Just look at him. I mean he is a true blue muscle bear. I actually got to see the video he did with the site. I must say he has a great laugh too. He is in fact gay (which is probably one reason why I was drawn to him) and when he was jacking off he was talking about when he was with a guy. Also says he likes being a left handed jacker since it makes it easier to jack off other guys and himself. This guy would be one guy I'd love to pick up at a bar. He just looks and sounds like a cuddler. This is why I want to see him having sex before I put him on my list. I love cuddling, but I also like a guy that takes charge in bed. Could this guy look any better? I don't think so. I would not change a single thing with this guy. Great smile, great definition and size. There are few guys that I wouldn't find something to complain about (part of my personality), but I can't point out a single thing I'd change. I mean if I was a judge for a bodybuilding contest and he was the contestant He'd win just walking on stage.
All Models are 18 and Over. Must be 18 and Older to view the content on this blog. All images and videos were found on the internet. I am not the owner. I will remove anything that infringes on a copyright at rightful owners request.
A 20 something year old who has been out for about a year now. Not a fem by any means. Live in a small town now so obviously can't let on who I am. Don't try to label me because I can't even label myself. It's fun being complicated.
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