So on Sunday me and my boyfriend watched Met Rx World's Strongest Man competition. I must say when I found out about it one day I loved watching it. Not just because of the fact that some of the guys were cute and a lot of them liked to go shirtless. I liked it because you don't see much of power lifters. Least I didn't at the time. Well ESPN was doing their marathon so we ended up watching it. It's funny how you don't ever know someone until you watch what they watch. I felt weird even bringing up the show to him because well I didn't want him thinking I was watching it for the "obvious" reason. Well he told me that he likes watching it, so we watched it together. We honestly watch it for the sport of it. We have guys we root for (the one from the US obviously). It was just a good way to end our 3 day weekend. Well more like a 2 day that felt like a 3 day.
One of the blogs I visit is privates exposed. It's over on the left hand side if you'd like to visit. Basically it features pictures that show the bulges that bodybuilders have. Well I found these three pictures. All I can say is I think they really show why body building is a very homo erotic sport.

Look at that picture and tell me you don't get a little bit of a boner. First off the holding of hands. I can honestly say I don't see that in many competitions when it's time for judging. Plus the guy that's hugging the other looks like he's getting a bit of a boner. That's a lot of skin to skin contact. Plus none of these guys isn't a head turner. It almost looks like we are look at 2 couples because of the way they are standing. Speaking of popping boners I'm doing that right now.

I'm sure your mind is wondering with this photo.I mean I know what's probably going on is these guys are doing a little prayer, but well doesn't look like that. They are holding hands and have their eyes closed. You kinda want to think that hey they are imagining each other wearing nothing. Especially the guy on the right hand side. Again a bit on the homo erotic side.

Now this one is my favorite. Again it might just be because of the camera snapping at this moment. They were probably hugging. Maybe even doing the European cheek kiss. Yet it looks like they are going in for a kiss. Again looks like number 88 is more into it then 32. 32 looks like he's backing away, because he just realized the camera was there. Once again. HOMO EROTIC!
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