So my boyfriend read this book that a friend of his recommended him read. So for like 3 weeks he went on and on about this book. Well pretty soon he forgot about it. My boyfriend tends to get swept up in things. If there is a story on the news he just goes on and on about it. Well when he forgot about it I was happy. Well my dad's b-day was coming up and he suggested that I get him the book. So we sent my boyfriend's copy because my boyfriend heard that there is a new version of the book out. Guess what he's reading right now. The worst part is, that for me a lot of what he's saying is common sense stuff and I learned it already. The book is about perception and not taking things personally and changing the way you think. Well again all this is typically stuff I already know or already do. Yet I have to hear about it form him. I can't just yell shut up or anything. Just have to hope he gets it out of his system again and never reads it again like he always says he's going to. Love that man, but man he can seriously be a dog with a bone sometimes.

More proof why I'd go to the masters division of a bodybuilding contest rather then the one with the younger guys. Again this is a guy that I find really attractive. He's not ashamed of his age (doesn't dye the hair), clearly takes care of himself, and clearly has a good size package. Plus facial hair always looks good on guys. It's always funny when I see pictures from the masters division of a bodybuilding contest. Some of the guys could get confused for younger contests when you look at their bodies. Don't believe me? Try it on this guy. Put your hand over the head and you'd think it was a younger bodybuilder.

The posing in jeans is always an under appreciated art form. Well I say it's an art. This guy just has great symmetry. His body does make a V. Wide on the top and narrow in the middle. Plus I do like seeing guys that are in shape, but aren't overly muscular. Those guys tend to make better boyfriends in my opinion. They don't spend so much time in the gym and money on supplements that you'd be a 2nd priority. It's hard work to get a body like this guy has. It's sad that there are a lot of guys that would say this guy needs to get bigger. I think he looks amazing the way he is.

This pic shows the a bit of the work that goes on behind the scenes. A bodybuilder can't look his best if he goes out on stage as is. They need tanner to make sure the muscles don't get washed out in the lights. Plus gel helps with that as well. I mean look at this guy. You can see yeah he's in shape, but the muscles pop where the coloring has been applied. I always thought about getting a job doing that, but honestly I'd be too scared about screwing up. It's a lot harder then it looks. Plus I'd spend too much time drooling.
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