I was at the gym doing my arm workout and I had a thought. What if there is a connection between what gay guys find attractive in a partner and what straight guys find in a partner. Again I don't know what got me thinking about this. Maybe it was a song that I was listening to, but it made me think of an article that was written about what women find attractive. Unlike guys women's answers differed greatly. Some said they want a guy that dresses nice and works out, others say a strong chest, some say strong arms, others say just a guy that's a gentleman. Well for guys it seems pretty simple. Straight guys like a nice ass, boobs, and a fit woman. As in doesn't have a lot of fat on her, but doesn't look like she could bench more then him. So that got me thinking about gay guys. Pretty sure gay guys seem to also have a somewhat uniform physical attraction. Typical a guy that has a nice ass and a nice chest turn heads. Kinda similar to what straight men find attractive with straight women. A guy with a good chest, ass, and clearly workouts usually gets scooped up pretty quickly. Maybe there is a connection. Just like I said a thought. Maybe that will be the next scientific study.

I do not know if this is fake or real, but if it's real I want the video it came from. Seems like a lot of guys now are shooters. They seem to shoot an endless amount of cum. I really wonder if there is something you can take to well shoot more. Guys like Dean Coxx or Mike Grant are always amazing when they shoot. Kinda makes me wonder if companies are trying to seek out big shooters. All I know is I would love to see this guy in action. Not only does he shoot big, but he has a great body, but again I don't know if it's real or fake. I'd say based on the shadow and the cum in the shadow some of the cum is fake. Either way it makes for a good picture.

This is what all bodybuilders should have to wear. I mean it's to their benefit. It shows off a lot more leg and stomach then a traditional poser. Plus I'm sure if he turned around he wouldn't have to fiddle with it to show how impressive his glutes are. Now it just so happens that this guy has no wiggle room when it cums to his dick, but I think that's a small price to pay to make sure his body is shown in all its glory. And what glory is that. Wow.

I want you to look at this guys bicep on the left hand side. Notice the chain tattoo. For me it always seemed like the chicken and the egg riddle. You know which one came first. Typically the guys that have this tattoo have great arms. So again it makes me wonder. Which came first. The awesome biceps or the bicep chain tattoo. Now obviously it would take less time to get it when your arm is smaller, but if you get it when it's larger it looks better since well the skin is already stretched. That's always been my big question. Do guys with huge biceps get these tattoos or do guys get big biceps to make sure the tattoo looks good. I also want to mention it was a smart idea to do the forearm tattoo on both arms not just one. Whenever one is done and the other isn't, it messes with the symmetry. Always the downside to getting tattoos and being in bodybuilding. Some tattoos don't affect it, but mainly ones on the arms do.
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