Today my boyfriend just got on my nerves. First I'm on the phone calling up and order. The person that normally takes the order isn't there. So he's all over me saying where's Will? What happened to Will. I tell him that he's just not there today. Then again he pesters me asking where's Will while I'm dealing with this air head. I finally finish and I tell him again that Will just isn't there today. I then try to go into a story about an airhead and he cuts me off to have me go help him with the carpet. I then again try to tell him the story to yet again get cut off. So I'm already not happy. Later on he wants to move the cameras around. I thought it was a stupid idea since they are the same cameras. Well I was wrong. Then he starts messing with things even though they were perfect. Screws up the picture. So we have to spend an extra 10 minutes messing with that because he didn't listen to me. Then I try to set up the wireless router and ugh he just wouldn't stop trying to help. By help I mean second guesses me and saying "are you sure you're doing that right? Are you sure that goes there?" Then to top off the day as I'm doing this he calls me up to tell me about the guys on the street corner. So the thing I can't decide is if he's annoying more then usual today. Or if it has to do with me starting my test booster. Now I like this one because it's all natural and I feel it pretty much the day I start it. So It would make sense that it's making me a little testy. My boyfriend being annoying sure as hell didn't help.

I chose this picture because I just wonder. What happened to this guy. The name I always saw him using was Luis. He was on smoking hunks. He was on Jimmy Z. Then he just seemed to disappear. He wasn't the most massive guy, but he always had a pretty nice build. I think this is a more recent picture. Back then he seemed to just be sick. There was something about his eyes. Now everything seems smaller on him, but he looks healthier. I guess I rather be smaller and happy then look like a bodybuilder in season and sick. Maybe that was it. Maybe the dieting and stuff was getting to him. Could have been the huge amount of smoking he had to do for the shoot as well.

I always love these pictures. It just breaks that stereotype that once you get old you get fat and lazy. A lot of these guys look amazing. I rather take him home then a younger bodybuilder anyway. He seems way more natural. Plus you can appreciate it more. I think bodybuilders in the masters category aren't as pompous and so vain as the younger guys. It's probably why I like older guys. Well older fit guys.

I can't remember if I posted this one or not. I try to make sure I don't ever re-post a photo by deleting it after I post it. Anyway I like this photo for kinda the obvious reason. How often do you see guys with shirts like that at the gym. Well I should say I don't see guys dressed like that at my gym. I mean he's basically shirtless. You can see pretty much everything. Must say he has a very nice pump going.
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