I really do. I don't have a lot of gay friends and the guys I do know are back in Texas. It's kinda lonely sometimes. The thing is I'm kinda trapped. I mean where am I going to meet friends in this town where everyone knows you. I saw what happened when I hooked up with a customer. Honestly I don't want to deal with that with a lot of other people. Plus I don't really have a job where I meet a lot of people that I can hang out with outside of work. I mean I'm pretty much by myself with my boyfriend. I'm not saying that it isn't great being with him, but sometimes I just want to hang out with someone that isn't my boyfriend. Meh it's the curse of living in a small town.

The sad thing is that this photo was taken. It doesn't do this guy justice. He is clearly getting ready to do a lat spread, but the photo was taken early. He looks so awkward. I mean he looks like a stick in that everything is straight. Plus he now has no neck. I'm not saying that this guy doesn't have a good body, I'm saying that the person that took the photograph shouldn't have published this photo. I'd love to see the actual lat spread.

I have no idea when this photo was taken. I want to say it had to be shortly after Rusty quit being Carl based on the fact that he has the mustache and no hair. Rusty has been bald and had the facial hair for a bit after he quit being Carl, but not for too long. The sad thing is we can't see the man like this again. I mean he has such amazing legs. A great ass too. So wish he turned around too. He has a great front as well.

Like I said before I like well drawn images of guys. I have no idea who drew this or what it's from which is sad. All I know is I got it off the Roids and Rants blog. The artist has a great eye for detail. I mean look at the abs and the small bit of fur he put on this guys chest and legs. Wish it was a wide pic so we could see what the artist had in mind as to the porn this guy was watching.
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