I was reading one of those erotic stories and it got me thinking. In this story the IFBB made different branches where bodybuilders where judged not just on their bodies, but a specific part of their body. For instance there would be the dick branch where contestants get bonus points based on the pouch, or arm branches. In the story he mentions how guys start doing things to make the body part pop more like injections or pumps. The sad thing is that has the biggest ring of truth. I mean there is no branch like that now and you see guys injecting stuff into their arms and traps. I mean to the point where it just looks terrible. I mean risking blood clots, heart attacks, strokes just to "look" better. As for the dick thing guys are doing that too. Again to the point where it's just gross. Why do that? What is the point of looking the part if you can't back it up. The guys that have those huge biceps are not stronger then the average guy. Well the ones that had stuff injected into their arms. Plus there is a chance that well their arm could explode. Some get to the point where their arm just looks like a bunch of fat settled in there. Same with the dicks. So imagine if the IFBB made a branch where they said hey we focus more on arm development. Then you'll see a lot more of the guys that everyone online makes fun of coming out of the wood works. Can't ever see that happening though. The point of bodybuilding is to have a body that is big, but with nothing being the thing that sticks out way more so then the others.

Most of you know that Jack LaLane died a few days ago. Unlike most I'm not old enough to remember him for all the health stuff he did. I do know of him based on tv specials and stuff. Well what I didn't know was that back in the day he was quite a cutie. I also didn't know he was only 5' 6" like me. On a side note Will the author of Gods and Men blog is also 5' 6". Starting to see that being 5' 6" really doesn't stop you from being a huge star. Plus a lot of the guys I've seen lately that are 5' 6" are really cute. Anyway this is from a nude photo shoot he did. Jack is on the bottom. I got it from gods and men. Only shame is that his dick looks so tiny. Most guys back then looked like that. Erections were strictly forbidden. Which is a shame because it makes him look so tiny.

Now this is a pretty hot photo. There aren't a lot of guys that can tongue the head of their dick. Well seems like a lot more guys are popping up that can do that. Anyway I've never seen it used like this. I mean if this was cropped in such a way it could look like these were two guys worshiping a different guys dick. Yet no it's the one guys dick. That's pretty hot. Would love to try that on my boyfriend.

I said it yesterday and I'll say it again. If Rusty Jeffers lived in my neighborhood I'd be drooling over him all the time. I mean those cut offs are so short. They show off those perfect legs. If I ever bumped into him I'd start babbling like an idiot. I truly don't think I could ever be around him and not feel intimidated. He is built just so well. Plus I've seen the guy jack off. Hard to look at a guy normally once you see that.
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