So my best friend is back to dating again. I'm sadly living through him. I love hearing about how he went over to a guys place and had sex and had a great conversation. I do miss that part of being single. The falling for a guy. Being able to have sex with a guy without worrying about well being with another guy, but again I know the single life isn't for me. I just do better in a relationship. I love my boyfriend so much. I enjoy that we know each other and joke with each other and can be vulnerable with one another. I just miss the first bit of wooing that happens with a new relationship. Plus the sex is pretty nice the first time. It's finding those buttons that make the other guy moan. Yet again I wouldn't trade the fact that I know where my boyfriend's buttons are and I know how to stimulate him. There aren't too many more surprises that we have left. It's also probably because I have gotten closer to my friend over time. I've seen him come out so to speak (long story). I kinda have a crush on him, but as he pointed out on a different occasion there is nothing wrong with having a crush. It's just making sure you don't act on it. Once he's in a relationship I think I'll feel better, not just because I know he's happy, but because I know there is no chance of us getting together. I crush very easily which isn't a great thing. Plus he acts so different from my boyfriend. I'm just torturing myself trying to figure this out, but I will say I'm not leaving my boyfriend. I know I'm not because I really don't think I'll be able to find the love that I have with him out there. Yes my friend seems more exciting, but he's not going to love me the same way my boyfriend does. He won't tell the same jokes. They are two different people and I've fallen for the guy I have now. I'm young and my hormones still haven't settled down. I know in the long run I'm better off with my boyfriend.

Got this picture off an e-mail I sent. I can't remember this guy's name. I know he did a jack off session for playgirl tv. Which is a whole different story that I should tackle tomorrow maybe. Anyway what drew me to this picture is the way his dick looks. I mean look at the head. See how shiny it is. You don't see that too often. Usually only time it happens is with a lot of lube. I just can't stop staring at it. So I saved it and posted it here.

When I saw this picture I thought this guy was Vince Ferelli. I was like "I knew Vince was a bodybuilder". Then I looked again and saw that it's a different guy. I like guys with that facial shadow. Just looks so rugged. Just wish the guy would have gone the extra mile and taken off the pants. Not just put them around his ankles. Throws the whole picture off.

Wow. I'm looking at this guy and that's all I can really think. I mean he doesn't appear to be wearing any coloring. Also doesn't have any posing gel and he looks that defined and tan on stage. Plus that poser is just the perfect size. Even though you can't see his face too well, he has a great smile. Really do have to go to a bodybuilding show one of these days.
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