Hard to believe soon me and my boyfriend will have officially lived together for a full year. Speaking of which I know my blog's anniversary is coming up in February as well. I should really track that down. Hard to believe it really has been a year. I mean so much has happened in this past year. A lot of things have changed at work. A lot of my relationships with friends and co-workers has changed. Me and my boyfriend have also changed. I think I'm starting to calm down. Think mainly because I'm so focused on getting bigger. At 5' 6" 160ish pounds you'd think I'd be happy. Just that when I look at my co-worker and I look at some of the guys in the store it feels like I really haven't done anything to impress them. Seems like the only one that noticed the change is my boyfriend and my friends. The friends only said something because I prompted them to say something. Anyway I wonder what the next year brings. Besides more fights between me and my boyfriend. The blog seems to get a steady stream of people. Even get people that search for it by name. Would be a bit cooler if I got more followers, but hey what are you going to do. Not like I started this blog to be famous. It was more of an outlet for the thoughts I want to express, but can't in my day to day life. Plus the videos are again just in case there is a video I want to download, but can't at the time.

I've had this picture on my hard drive for awhile. I never posted it because I couldn't remember if I posted it or not. So if I have oh well. Anyway what shocks me is just the size of this guy. I mean look at those biceps. They literally look like tear drops. you don't see that very often. Plus he is super ripped. Mass plus great definition. That's hard to really see on a bodybuilder in season. Usually you don't really see it until after the tan and the posing gel is on. Plus he looks so young. I bet he's in his late teens to early twenties. Most likely younger then me. Yep I'm jealous.

This guy is Brad Rowe. What amazed me about this picture was his legs. I mean they look massive. I'm not saying the rest of him isn't impressive, but I just can't stop staring at his legs. They are not only massive, but defined and very vascular too. Just wow. A lot of guys don't train their legs. All too often I hear guys who say they don't train their legs or they do it once in awhile, so when I see a guy who clearly trains his legs (very well I might add) I have to commend them for it. Wish more guys would build massive lower and upper bodies not just upper. They always look weird with a huge upper and chicken legs.

I'm a sucker for photos like this. Mainly because when you capture the moment that cum shoots out of a dick it's an interesting photo. I mean clearly this guy enjoyed jacking off. Sadly he's kinda passed the oh face. I would love to see the video that this came from. Sadly it's probably just a photo of a guy jacking off. I'd like to see this guys technique. One of the things I like to see is how a guy pleasures himself. Mainly because it's always nice to learn new techniques of enjoyment.
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