So yesterday I left off talking about how my boyfriend wants to do this declaration of love thing that we will both sign. Basically he wants us to be able to use it to show our families if something was to happen to one of us. For instance if I was to die he'd show it to my family so that they will let him be up front at the funeral. Well I didn't want to point out that it's not a legal obligation. All it does is well out us. If our families don't want us there we won't be there. Unless we put in our will that we want the other in the front row it won't happen. I even talked to two of my friends and they agree that it would basically just be a piece of paper even if we did get it notarized. Well I just agreed to go along with it because if I didn't he wouldn't be able to well stop freaking out. The next step would have to be coming out or breaking up and honestly we'd end up breaking up. I'm not coming out in this town. Far too conservative and too many people would be affected negatively. And if it does come up again I will tell him exactly that. I will not put him through major heartbreak (because his family will disown him) to come out. Plus even if we did we still have no place that's safe to even hold hands. I love him too much to see him hurt and suffer the way he will if we come out. Yeah we'd both suffer if we broke up, but in the end he'd be happier because he would have his family.

Got to love camera phones. Tons more guys post pictures of themselves. Anyway based on this guys proportions and the nips I'd like to say that this is Skye Woods. I of course can be wrong since I can't see the face. Must say I'm jealous of the towel. And why cover it up. If you are going to be naked just let the towel drop. Then again this could be one of those pictures that a guy puts up on or manhunt to get guys interested.

This a picture of Titpig that I got from another one of my yahoo groups. It's also a photo that's on his website (if it's even still up). He's a guy that kinda got me into a bit of a smoking fetish too. That and I discovered which at the time let me preview videos. Anyway he looks so different then he did towards the later half of his career. Seemed like he got bigger muscle wise and his nips got even bigger.

I keep saying it all the time. I love muscular mature guys. I just find them hotter. Plus this guy has very hot nips. Let him dominate me anytime.
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