Ever so often I do this in my head. Trying to figure out what attracts me in a guy. I do this because honestly I like being prepared. Plus my boyfriend is constantly reminding me that he's older then me and there may be a time when I'm all by myself. So what attracts me to a guy. A like a guy that's fit. He doesn't have to have a perfect body. I'm finding myself less attracted to the fitness models and bodybuilers and more into the average guy. The guy that has nice arms, but doesn't necessarily have a 6 pack. A guy that looks like he is in decent shape. Does a gut turn me off to a guy no not really. Like I said someone is fit. Wither it's in strength or endurance. I still like tall guys. Does that mean I will turn away a short guy no. It's just as a guy that's 5' 6" I'm attracted to taller guys. Mainly because most guys are taller than me. I like hairy guys. Mainly because I'm not hairy myself. I think guys look sexier with body hair. It also has to do with the fact that it traps sweat. I like a guy that smells like a guy. Now that's always a fine line. There is the I just worked out smell which sometimes is fine. I've had guys come into the store that just worked out and it was way overwhelming. I like a bit of funk without it being full blown BO that smells like you've not hit the shower in weeks. I like masculine guys. I define that as a guy that has no problem rolling up his sleeves and getting dirty. I'm not attracted to the guys that are the stereotypical gay guy on TV. Those are the basic physical things I find attractive. Emotionally is different. I need a good sense of humor. A guy that is intelligent. I don't want to be with a dumb guy. Do not like guys that are completely into themselves. I like a guy that isn't afraid to be himself. That means that if he likes watching America's Next Top Model, but also knows everything there is about baseball it's fine. He doesn't have to fit a mold. Molds are meant to be broken hence why I don't like the stereotypical gay guy. A bit of pervertedness is a must. Someone who has a healthy sex drive. That's kinda the fun of being a guy. You can be a bit perverted and no one really faults you for it. Those are the basics. Just good to keep that list at the top of my head if I'm ever single again. Now this is something that I didn't list in my attraction audit for 2 reasons. 1 I can't tell the size of a guys dick on a day to day basis. Unless I met him online I won't know what his dick looks like. 2. We can't really change our dick size. There are apparently things you can do to add size, but for the most part you can't. I do not like huge dicks. I use to be a size queen and honestly the only reason why I was had to do with porn. In porn huge dicks are worshiped. The bigger the dick the better. Well personally I had an Ex with an 8" dick and pretty soon I got turned off to it. First off you can't really service a huge dick. You can't deep throat it without choking unless you have no gag reflex. I don't like not being able to come close to deep throating a dick. Secondly I do not want to take that dick. I mean this guy's dick is as thick as the guys open mouth. That's so uncomfortable. One thing I loved about getting fucked was a guys balls slamming against my ass. Can't really do that with a huge dick without being in pain for awhile. To all the guys that can take that congrats, but I personally prefer dicks 4-7 inches. Those I can service and take no problem. Jason Branch is a guy that meets my physical attraction standards. He's clearly masculine. Looks like he can work with his hands. He has hair. Not a full out bear, but a good amount of hair. He clearly stays fit. Not a fitness model. Doesn't have six pack abs. Plus he is pretty tall. Don't know how tall exactly. I also heard him in an interview and he honestly sounds very intelligent. He was talking about his work for AID's awareness. Plus his dick is just the right size too.
Now the above video features the late Scott Klein. I was sitting here thinking of something to say for this clip then I realized a lot of how I got started in porn happened thanks to Scott. I saw one of his videos on muscleretroscope or something like that. It was the sister site to USAmuscle.com. Anyway I was attracted to him and I ended up going to eastcoastmuscle which lead me to muscleweb.com where he did a video. From there it was only a matter of time before I found musclehunks.com and I was off. He was also the first guy that I found attractive that died. I want to say like 5 months maybe even less after I found him he was gone. I don't know the details of his death. Just didn't make sense to me. I looked at him as such a healthy man and he died. Hmm maybe I'll have to do a post about Scott Klein and how he affected my sexual life.
All Models are 18 and Over. Must be 18 and Older to view the content on this blog. All images and videos were found on the internet. I am not the owner. I will remove anything that infringes on a copyright at rightful owners request.
A 20 something year old who has been out for about a year now. Not a fem by any means. Live in a small town now so obviously can't let on who I am. Don't try to label me because I can't even label myself. It's fun being complicated.
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