So two things have happened that are not worthy. I was going through my comments and saw one that caught my attention. It was in response to the question I got awhile ago about Ben Archer. Apparently Ben responded to the comment saying he is alive and well and living in Chicago. Now I don't know if that was in fact him. I don't know if it was perhaps someone that saw him in the Chicago area and commented, but the point is that he's alive and well. Ben Archer is not dead. I'll tell everyone that asks me. That was a rumor someone started (heaven only knows why) and he's not dead. I figured as much. I'm posting it here because my blog has become this hotspot for everyone that's looking to see if Ben Archer committed suicide or not. I know because I can see in my stats bar. It keeps track of people that view my blog and what brought them in. So to repeat Ben Archer did not commit suicide.
Ok I've been really good about this. Really good. I haven't had to say anything, but honestly I've hit the wall. Scott Hall has pushed me into a corner. For some reason he had to sign up with one of the social sites I'm on. Not only that, but he had to blow up our video section with his videos. If it was one or two or three I honestly would have just avoided them, but I tried to post two and he posted so many that they got pushed tot he second page. They are the same god damn thing every time. I was talking to a friend who's also on that site and he agrees. With both think Scott Hall does have an amazing body, but he's videos are so frantic and so heavily edited that they aren't worth watching. Then I find out that he's now posting his videos on one of my favorite video sites. Granted that is probably my fault. I'm sure me posting a video from there got him to say hey that's a new site. He has his own website so I don't know why he has to flood the web with his videos. It's hard to take the high road when you are being bombarded with those videos left and right. Least I know he won't be there. Pretty sure they banned him twice.

Yeah now that's amazing. I'm still shocked that guys can make their veins pop like that. Now I know it requires dehydrating yourself and having a really low body fat, but I still love looking at it. My boyfriend on the other hand isn't a fan of it. I'm finally getting a vein on my arms, but it's only visible when I work my arms. I'd love to be built like this guy. Kinda get tired of people asking me if I workout or if I take protein. Shockingly I only got that once in a 6 month span which actually was a very common question directed at me.

I like this guy. It's just the way his face looks. It gives me this feeling that he's actually a pretty nice guy. And when you get a nice guy with a body like that you can really have some fun. Seems like all too many of the guys built like this have really ugly personalities. Plus the fact that he's bald already makes me melt a bit.

I truly go back and forth a lot with Tyler Saint. One minute I can't get enough of him the next I can pass him up. I mean he has an amazing body and when he smiles he looks adorable, but at the same time I've kinda hit that saturation point when I get tired of seeing him in things. I will say that I don't get tired of seeing him in leather. He seems to really look more amazing wearing leather.
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