That annoying thought that I get from time to time. The thought that I wish me and my boyfriend had more sex. It's really annoying because I knew what I was getting into with him. He's not a highly sexual person. I was talking to my friend yesterday and he mentioned that in two days he got it three times then got it again yesterday because his boyfriend didn't have to go to work early. I'd love to just roll over and have sex, but my boyfriend isn't that sexual. He really does have to be in the mood and when he is he tends to have very subtle hints. I kinda have to guess sometimes unless I'm sitting next to him and he puts my hand on his boner. If I wanted a more sexual boyfriend I'm sure I could have found one. I'm not going to break up with him just because I'm not getting enough sex. That's a terrible reason to break up. There are tons of other things I love about him. I love the way I feel around him. He makes me smile. Not going to dump him for such a superficial reason. Especially with the fact that I knew all this going into the relationship. Plus it's also why he said it's ok for me to play just as long as he doesn't know about it. And I think as he gets older and his sex drive really starts to plummet he will start insisting on it. I have such a comic book crush on Hellboy. It's all because of the movie. Well I guess I have a crush on Ron Pearlman who played Hellboy and as a result it transferred to Hellboy. It's that dry whit of his. This image I found on roids and rants surely doesn't help my crush. If I saw that at the beach showing off like that I'd be such a giggling school girl. Follow him anywhere he goes. This is a black and white still of Zeb Atlas and Matthew Rush. This is from Groomsman part one. I can't remember the exact title and I'm not going to go look it up. It was the first time I ever saw Zeb Atlas let a guy suck his dick. In the 2nd part of the movie he actually fucked Adam Killian. Around the time this came out Zeb was also on Jake Cruise's site getting his cock sucked there. Seems like around this point is when Zeb stopped being such a straight guy. Seemed like he suddenly was ok with guys touching him and kissing his bicep and what not. It was a moment a lot of us Zeb fans had been waiting for. Now if we could just see him do it more we'd be golden. Got this image from one of my yahoo groups. I love this image even though it has been altered. I mean I find it hot how it looks like this guy is being forced so suck the other guys nips. And it looks like he's got quite a mouthful. Shame that it has a few flaws that remind us that it's only photoshopped.
Finally found this video that I could actually embed. Anyway this video is of Brad Hollibaugh. This was around the time when I really couldn't stand him. If you look at his arms in this video they look so wrong. Like they were injected with oil. Well if you look at his arms now they look better. Which is weird because The rest of him is huge. Just never made sense to me.
All Models are 18 and Over. Must be 18 and Older to view the content on this blog. All images and videos were found on the internet. I am not the owner. I will remove anything that infringes on a copyright at rightful owners request.
A 20 something year old who has been out for about a year now. Not a fem by any means. Live in a small town now so obviously can't let on who I am. Don't try to label me because I can't even label myself. It's fun being complicated.
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