So apparently in California they want to pass a law that requires porn companies to use condoms. Not only that, but also to use fresh condoms for every partner. Also sex toys can't be shared. My boyfriend told me about it when we found a TLA entertainment catalog at his ex's place. He was picking up mail. Anyway the interesting thing is that the law would affect more straight porn than gay porn which seems kinda counter intuitive. You'd figure with straight porn they'd make condoms a must to make sure no one gets pregnant. Yeah there are bareback gay studios that have grown in popularity, but a majority of studios still use condoms. Honestly it doesn't matter to me since again it's more of the straight porn companies that would get affected. Personally I'm fine with condoms. I don't think that they ruin an illusion. Probably because as a gay male I'm so use to condoms being an everyday thing when it comes to sex. I guess since the gay community has been scared straight when it comes to AIDS and HIV that we are more aware of it and try to avoid it. In most cases mind you. I just listen to all these straight couples on tv and watch some in porn and think wow they are seriously not using a condom? I see why the law wants to get passed. It has to do with keeping everyone safe, but at the same time the law is going to drive out a lot of those porn studios which would really hurt California's already hurting economy. I don't know how the law will be or is currently worded, but they do have to be careful with this. I mean porn is one of those things that people really don't want the government to interfere in. So I guess we all need to pay attention to that because it could mean that a lot of those real popular bareback studios might move or close up. This is one of those photos where you know nothing is going on, but your mind just can't help but make it dirty. I mean what are they doing. The guy on top looks like he is holding the handles for the perfect push up. And just for the record I only believe that the guy on the bottom is Jay Cutler. Got no proof one way or the other. Just going off the hair and the tan. Sometimes guys make it too easy to make a situation dirty. So awhile back I mentioned that Samuel Colt bottomed for the first time on camera. I thought that was awesome because with Sam I didn't get the feeling that he was actually a strict top, and when I saw the scene it proved it in my head. He took a cock like a pro. Well I saw this video of him being fucked again and I'm just wondering if we have a bit of a Patrick Ives going. What I mean by that is that Patrick topped for a long time and eventually became a major bottom. Nothing wrong with that, but just worth noting. I can see Samuel Colt top or bottom and still get on. The fact that he does bottom on camera now makes him hotter in my mind.
This is a video of a guy that goes by the name adadad. His first video didn't get too warm of a reception on mymusclevideo. Guys say that he's "fat" or not big enough or too hairy. I say he's just right. I think yeah he's not the leanest guy, but that makes him more real. I think he's just fine the way he is and he's a guy that would turn my head in a good way. I also wish I had his pecs. My boyfriend has currently gotten into the habit of playing with my chest saying it's nice. Honestly when it looks like this guys chest and I can bounce my pecs like that then they aren't nice.
All Models are 18 and Over. Must be 18 and Older to view the content on this blog. All images and videos were found on the internet. I am not the owner. I will remove anything that infringes on a copyright at rightful owners request.
A 20 something year old who has been out for about a year now. Not a fem by any means. Live in a small town now so obviously can't let on who I am. Don't try to label me because I can't even label myself. It's fun being complicated.
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