Yesterday I was planning on posting that I was doing much better. Well that blog post didn't get posted or even saved because of blogger freaking out. I think some hackers are going around attacking all the popular sites. Twitter was acting up earlier today. Anyway a lot happened. Found out that on the social site I'm on that a guy liked my videos and wanted to talk to me, but wasn't sure if he should. He didn't know if I was a jerk or not. Well my chat buddy talked to him and said that I was a really nice guy so I dropped him a line. And turns out one of the authors of a blog I follow joined the site. So I'm super psyched about that. Sent him a friend request and waiting to hear back. Well from both of them really. They apparently aren't on all that much. Well that gets you caught up with what I was going to post yesterday. Today I was going to ask and answer the question what job would make you say no? Have you really ever stopped and thought hey if a guy had this as his job I'd never date him? Well I have. Recently after a movie me and my boyfriend watched. If I found out that a guy I was dating was a call boy or hustler or escort I don't think I could date him. I mean the trust issues would be huge. As awesome as it would be I don't think I could ever date a porn star. Again it has to do with this trust issue. I also couldn't date anyone that was heavily in the public eye like a celeb or politician. The reason for that is that I don't want my relationship out there for the world to watch. I want to be able to go to a restaurant and not be hounding or pictures and questions and autographs. Those are pretty much the only things on my list.

This is a picture of titpig from one of the last movies he did. Think it was Daddy Hunter or something like that. Anyway I really think he's the main reason why I love guy's chest. He was really big around the time I started watching porn. He really interested me. I loved every video I saw with him. Ever since then I really notice guy's chest and especially their nipples. I mean yeah before I liked a good chest, but I really started paying attention after him. Would love to thank him in person.

Speaking of guys and their chest I love this photo. Not just because I have a great look at his chest, but because I find this guy very attractive. It's the way he's looking at the camera. It makes me smile even though he's not really smiling. Plus he's uncut which I love. He's what I refer to as a Teddy Bear. The guy that is very gruff and tough on the outside, but when you hold him you just feel all warm inside.

I never truly understand why models have to tease like this. I mean why does he have to lower down his posers like that. If it's porno related I get it because eventually the dick will be exposed, but in bodybuilding magazines or photos for their website. If you don't ever plan on exposing yourself, then don't tease like that and make yourself a sex object. It's kinda like when a girl wears a low cut top and then is pissed at you for noticing her cleavage. Don't tease if you don't plan to deliver.
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