So yesterday I kinda figured out my thing. I love guys that are contradictions to stereotypes. I mean that is pretty much the definition for most of my attractions. Why do I love older guys that are very fit and kept together. Because it's the complete opposite then what we expect. Most people think of an old man as a chubby guy with a cane and glasses. When I see something different I like it. Another example is why I like bodybuilders that wear glasses. Because it counters that stereotype of a bodybuilder. Glasses are thought of as something that well nerds wear. Not so much anymore, but still. It doesn't go by the norm. It all boils down to someone who isn't a stereotype is a challenge. You can't predict what they are going to do. That's basically it. That's why my list of guys I find attractive is so long. Any guy that breaks a mold interests me. That's why I like guys like Vince Ferelli. He is the opposite of what you would expect. He's a big guy who you'd think would be pretty in your face or self centered. No he's a very nice and soft spoken teddy bear. Plus he's an actual bi person. He has sex with men, women and even transgendered people. That breaks a mold and that interests me. So there it is. I like to be challenged. I like guys that are witty. They challenge me. That's why I can't be with a stupid person. I like guys that stay fit because they challenge me to stay fit and it's fun to have little tussles from time to time. Weird coming to that realization. This is Nate Karlton. Honestly I find him attractive, but I haven't really seen anything with him in it. I bet if I was still into Colt Studios I'd know more about him. He seems to be the new face of Colt Studios, but honestly Colt hasn't done anything to win me back. They have hot guys like Nate here, but just doesn't feel like they know how to do good scenes anymore. I think it's a shame too because a lot of the guys they have could do awesome scenes if someone do a good set up. I'm not the only one who thinks so because last I heard Colt filed for Bankruptcy. Maybe that was a dirty rumor or maybe it's true. Either way they need to win me back. I flat out just love Cayden Ross. He just interests me. Seems like he's a very down to earth guy which is why he's become so popular. Kinda like why a lot of guys are drawn to Zeb Atlas. Both seem like guys that you could have a good time with on a day to day basis. Not to mention the killer bodies don't hurt anything either.
Now I must warn you about this video. Those of you that love Germanbuilder may be shocked. He has shaved his upper body. I'll let you gather yourself. I was just as shocked. I loved him hairy, but I will also say the man is hot shaved. After watching it for 2 seconds (yeah I know I'm so judgmental), I realized he looks amazing shaved. You can see the muscle and the control he has over it a whole lot better making it hotter. Not that you couldn't see it when he was hairy. I think it's a good change, but I wouldn't mind him going back to hairy. Personally I'd love to be the one to shave him down and oil him up. Among the many other dirty things I'd love to do to him. He's another guy that would be so much fun to hang out with. I base this off his profile and comments he makes to other people. Then again who could hate such a hot stud?
All Models are 18 and Over. Must be 18 and Older to view the content on this blog. All images and videos were found on the internet. I am not the owner. I will remove anything that infringes on a copyright at rightful owners request.
A 20 something year old who has been out for about a year now. Not a fem by any means. Live in a small town now so obviously can't let on who I am. Don't try to label me because I can't even label myself. It's fun being complicated.
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