My first two videos got deleted which pisses me off because they were good videos like all the ones that get deleted. Well hopefully the next two videos will make up for them. Both are full videos. The first one is the movie The Bigger the Better. The two big scenes with this movie is that Peter North/Matt Ramsey gets fucked by Rick Donovan in a classroom and him working out and fucking his friend. Hard to believe that Matt/Peter says he was never in a gay porno when you can tell he clearly was. Some people love denial. The other movie is Crossroads. This movie is about two married guys falling for each other. There are only two stars in the whole movie. It goes from jacking off, to blowjobs, to anal. Pretty decent movie. Third up is the legendary Billy Herrington fucking Rob Steele or Steel depending on which movie you are watching. Yes I finally looked up the guys name. Anyway this scene is suppose to be Rob being talked into having sex with his buddy Billy while the director/us watch. It's actually pretty hot. Last up is Bruno and Lorenzo. Don't ask me who's who. It's another video from Kristen Bjorn's casting couch. The thing I love about these movies is they always make the guys appear to be legitimate lovers. The sex is always loving, slow, and intimate. That's what keeps me watching. I've yet to really come across anything with the Kristen Bjorn name on it that I didn't like.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Interesting bit of news
So apparently in California they want to pass a law that requires porn companies to use condoms. Not only that, but also to use fresh condoms for every partner. Also sex toys can't be shared. My boyfriend told me about it when we found a TLA entertainment catalog at his ex's place. He was picking up mail. Anyway the interesting thing is that the law would affect more straight porn than gay porn which seems kinda counter intuitive. You'd figure with straight porn they'd make condoms a must to make sure no one gets pregnant. Yeah there are bareback gay studios that have grown in popularity, but a majority of studios still use condoms. Honestly it doesn't matter to me since again it's more of the straight porn companies that would get affected. Personally I'm fine with condoms. I don't think that they ruin an illusion. Probably because as a gay male I'm so use to condoms being an everyday thing when it comes to sex. I guess since the gay community has been scared straight when it comes to AIDS and HIV that we are more aware of it and try to avoid it. In most cases mind you. I just listen to all these straight couples on tv and watch some in porn and think wow they are seriously not using a condom? I see why the law wants to get passed. It has to do with keeping everyone safe, but at the same time the law is going to drive out a lot of those porn studios which would really hurt California's already hurting economy. I don't know how the law will be or is currently worded, but they do have to be careful with this. I mean porn is one of those things that people really don't want the government to interfere in. So I guess we all need to pay attention to that because it could mean that a lot of those real popular bareback studios might move or close up.
This is one of those photos where you know nothing is going on, but your mind just can't help but make it dirty. I mean what are they doing. The guy on top looks like he is holding the handles for the perfect push up. And just for the record I only believe that the guy on the bottom is Jay Cutler. Got no proof one way or the other. Just going off the hair and the tan. Sometimes guys make it too easy to make a situation dirty.
So awhile back I mentioned that Samuel Colt bottomed for the first time on camera. I thought that was awesome because with Sam I didn't get the feeling that he was actually a strict top, and when I saw the scene it proved it in my head. He took a cock like a pro. Well I saw this video of him being fucked again and I'm just wondering if we have a bit of a Patrick Ives going. What I mean by that is that Patrick topped for a long time and eventually became a major bottom. Nothing wrong with that, but just worth noting. I can see Samuel Colt top or bottom and still get on. The fact that he does bottom on camera now makes him hotter in my mind.
This is a video of a guy that goes by the name adadad. His first video didn't get too warm of a reception on mymusclevideo. Guys say that he's "fat" or not big enough or too hairy. I say he's just right. I think yeah he's not the leanest guy, but that makes him more real. I think he's just fine the way he is and he's a guy that would turn my head in a good way. I also wish I had his pecs. My boyfriend has currently gotten into the habit of playing with my chest saying it's nice. Honestly when it looks like this guys chest and I can bounce my pecs like that then they aren't nice.

This is a video of a guy that goes by the name adadad. His first video didn't get too warm of a reception on mymusclevideo. Guys say that he's "fat" or not big enough or too hairy. I say he's just right. I think yeah he's not the leanest guy, but that makes him more real. I think he's just fine the way he is and he's a guy that would turn my head in a good way. I also wish I had his pecs. My boyfriend has currently gotten into the habit of playing with my chest saying it's nice. Honestly when it looks like this guys chest and I can bounce my pecs like that then they aren't nice.
Friday, May 27, 2011
The first video is called Horse power. In this video Zeb Atlas gets picked up and gives a "personal training" session to a lucky admirer. I remember when I first saw this. I was amazed to see Zeb doing something with a guy. Yes I think this was after the time of Jake Cruise and Matthew Rush and Adam Killian, but seemed like he had gone back to just doing solos. Then this happens. Plus it was pretty hot. Wish they kissed. Then if you didn't get enough of Zeb then I give you Zeb on the beach. Your standard Zeb Atlas solo scene. Sadly my third video was from porn hub and apparently they don't want to let me embed even though they gave me the code. Swear it worked before. Anyway the next one is Big Bryce. Honestly I didn't make it all the way through. I don't like watching recordings of live shows no matter how hot the guy is. Plus the fact that it's nearly an hour. That is too long for a solo, but if you are into that thing enjoy. Fourth up is Vince Ferelli on the bait bus. In case you have no idea what bait bus is, it's basically like cruise patrol. They pick up a "straight" guy and lure him in with a hot chick. Then they either blind fold him and have him have sex with a guy or they have the chick talk him into having sex with the guy because it turns her on. Not another one of my favorites, but if you are into that you'll like this one. Plus it's over an hour which is too long for me. Lastly is a clip with several scenes. A Gym janitor gets fucked by a member. And what a member he is. Then he takes a nap and has a fantasy about a gangbang. Then the final fantasy is a cop fucking him. So you get 3 scenes in one clip.
Figured it out
So yesterday I kinda figured out my thing. I love guys that are contradictions to stereotypes. I mean that is pretty much the definition for most of my attractions. Why do I love older guys that are very fit and kept together. Because it's the complete opposite then what we expect. Most people think of an old man as a chubby guy with a cane and glasses. When I see something different I like it. Another example is why I like bodybuilders that wear glasses. Because it counters that stereotype of a bodybuilder. Glasses are thought of as something that well nerds wear. Not so much anymore, but still. It doesn't go by the norm. It all boils down to someone who isn't a stereotype is a challenge. You can't predict what they are going to do. That's basically it. That's why my list of guys I find attractive is so long. Any guy that breaks a mold interests me. That's why I like guys like Vince Ferelli. He is the opposite of what you would expect. He's a big guy who you'd think would be pretty in your face or self centered. No he's a very nice and soft spoken teddy bear. Plus he's an actual bi person. He has sex with men, women and even transgendered people. That breaks a mold and that interests me. So there it is. I like to be challenged. I like guys that are witty. They challenge me. That's why I can't be with a stupid person. I like guys that stay fit because they challenge me to stay fit and it's fun to have little tussles from time to time. Weird coming to that realization.
This is Nate Karlton. Honestly I find him attractive, but I haven't really seen anything with him in it. I bet if I was still into Colt Studios I'd know more about him. He seems to be the new face of Colt Studios, but honestly Colt hasn't done anything to win me back. They have hot guys like Nate here, but just doesn't feel like they know how to do good scenes anymore. I think it's a shame too because a lot of the guys they have could do awesome scenes if someone do a good set up. I'm not the only one who thinks so because last I heard Colt filed for Bankruptcy. Maybe that was a dirty rumor or maybe it's true. Either way they need to win me back.
I flat out just love Cayden Ross. He just interests me. Seems like he's a very down to earth guy which is why he's become so popular. Kinda like why a lot of guys are drawn to Zeb Atlas. Both seem like guys that you could have a good time with on a day to day basis. Not to mention the killer bodies don't hurt anything either.
Now I must warn you about this video. Those of you that love Germanbuilder may be shocked. He has shaved his upper body. I'll let you gather yourself. I was just as shocked. I loved him hairy, but I will also say the man is hot shaved. After watching it for 2 seconds (yeah I know I'm so judgmental), I realized he looks amazing shaved. You can see the muscle and the control he has over it a whole lot better making it hotter. Not that you couldn't see it when he was hairy. I think it's a good change, but I wouldn't mind him going back to hairy. Personally I'd love to be the one to shave him down and oil him up. Among the many other dirty things I'd love to do to him. He's another guy that would be so much fun to hang out with. I base this off his profile and comments he makes to other people. Then again who could hate such a hot stud?

Now I must warn you about this video. Those of you that love Germanbuilder may be shocked. He has shaved his upper body. I'll let you gather yourself. I was just as shocked. I loved him hairy, but I will also say the man is hot shaved. After watching it for 2 seconds (yeah I know I'm so judgmental), I realized he looks amazing shaved. You can see the muscle and the control he has over it a whole lot better making it hotter. Not that you couldn't see it when he was hairy. I think it's a good change, but I wouldn't mind him going back to hairy. Personally I'd love to be the one to shave him down and oil him up. Among the many other dirty things I'd love to do to him. He's another guy that would be so much fun to hang out with. I base this off his profile and comments he makes to other people. Then again who could hate such a hot stud?
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The first video is Michael fit from his clip called Big Surprise. I view Michael as a softcore guy. I've seen a lot of his stuff and he doesn't really show us anything. Well I saw this clip and I just couldn't help but think, wow he actually does know that we all want to see him cum. Sadly he never pulls his cock out of the underwear. The next video is of Aden and Jordan Jaric. This is the clip that got me to try to figure out who they were and what movie it was from and lead me to find out that they broke up. Anyway it's still a pretty hot clip. Plus Jordan cums twice. Third up a guy strips and cums. He has a pretty hot physique. Wouldn't mind a closer look. Bet he looks hot fucking. Next is a very hot muscle worship session. I obviously love the pec worship, but there is a bit of ass and leg worship. Even a short blowjob. Then the worshiper jacks off while watching the huge stud pose. Pretty hot. This next clips is kinda weird. Two guys are talking about having sex with a guy when drunk. Which leads one guy to tell a story of when he got fucked by a guy. When he was drunk. Straight guys sure are weird in porn. Last up are two Japanese guys fucking. Sadly this does have a bit of genital masking, but it is still hot.
Attraction Audit
Ever so often I do this in my head. Trying to figure out what attracts me in a guy. I do this because honestly I like being prepared. Plus my boyfriend is constantly reminding me that he's older then me and there may be a time when I'm all by myself. So what attracts me to a guy. A like a guy that's fit. He doesn't have to have a perfect body. I'm finding myself less attracted to the fitness models and bodybuilers and more into the average guy. The guy that has nice arms, but doesn't necessarily have a 6 pack. A guy that looks like he is in decent shape. Does a gut turn me off to a guy no not really. Like I said someone is fit. Wither it's in strength or endurance. I still like tall guys. Does that mean I will turn away a short guy no. It's just as a guy that's 5' 6" I'm attracted to taller guys. Mainly because most guys are taller than me. I like hairy guys. Mainly because I'm not hairy myself. I think guys look sexier with body hair. It also has to do with the fact that it traps sweat. I like a guy that smells like a guy. Now that's always a fine line. There is the I just worked out smell which sometimes is fine. I've had guys come into the store that just worked out and it was way overwhelming. I like a bit of funk without it being full blown BO that smells like you've not hit the shower in weeks. I like masculine guys. I define that as a guy that has no problem rolling up his sleeves and getting dirty. I'm not attracted to the guys that are the stereotypical gay guy on TV. Those are the basic physical things I find attractive.
Emotionally is different. I need a good sense of humor. A guy that is intelligent. I don't want to be with a dumb guy. Do not like guys that are completely into themselves. I like a guy that isn't afraid to be himself. That means that if he likes watching America's Next Top Model, but also knows everything there is about baseball it's fine. He doesn't have to fit a mold. Molds are meant to be broken hence why I don't like the stereotypical gay guy. A bit of pervertedness is a must. Someone who has a healthy sex drive. That's kinda the fun of being a guy. You can be a bit perverted and no one really faults you for it. Those are the basics. Just good to keep that list at the top of my head if I'm ever single again.
Now this is something that I didn't list in my attraction audit for 2 reasons. 1 I can't tell the size of a guys dick on a day to day basis. Unless I met him online I won't know what his dick looks like. 2. We can't really change our dick size. There are apparently things you can do to add size, but for the most part you can't. I do not like huge dicks. I use to be a size queen and honestly the only reason why I was had to do with porn. In porn huge dicks are worshiped. The bigger the dick the better. Well personally I had an Ex with an 8" dick and pretty soon I got turned off to it. First off you can't really service a huge dick. You can't deep throat it without choking unless you have no gag reflex. I don't like not being able to come close to deep throating a dick. Secondly I do not want to take that dick. I mean this guy's dick is as thick as the guys open mouth. That's so uncomfortable. One thing I loved about getting fucked was a guys balls slamming against my ass. Can't really do that with a huge dick without being in pain for awhile. To all the guys that can take that congrats, but I personally prefer dicks 4-7 inches. Those I can service and take no problem.
Jason Branch is a guy that meets my physical attraction standards. He's clearly masculine. Looks like he can work with his hands. He has hair. Not a full out bear, but a good amount of hair. He clearly stays fit. Not a fitness model. Doesn't have six pack abs. Plus he is pretty tall. Don't know how tall exactly. I also heard him in an interview and he honestly sounds very intelligent. He was talking about his work for AID's awareness. Plus his dick is just the right size too.
Now the above video features the late Scott Klein. I was sitting here thinking of something to say for this clip then I realized a lot of how I got started in porn happened thanks to Scott. I saw one of his videos on muscleretroscope or something like that. It was the sister site to Anyway I was attracted to him and I ended up going to eastcoastmuscle which lead me to where he did a video. From there it was only a matter of time before I found and I was off. He was also the first guy that I found attractive that died. I want to say like 5 months maybe even less after I found him he was gone. I don't know the details of his death. Just didn't make sense to me. I looked at him as such a healthy man and he died. Hmm maybe I'll have to do a post about Scott Klein and how he affected my sexual life.
Emotionally is different. I need a good sense of humor. A guy that is intelligent. I don't want to be with a dumb guy. Do not like guys that are completely into themselves. I like a guy that isn't afraid to be himself. That means that if he likes watching America's Next Top Model, but also knows everything there is about baseball it's fine. He doesn't have to fit a mold. Molds are meant to be broken hence why I don't like the stereotypical gay guy. A bit of pervertedness is a must. Someone who has a healthy sex drive. That's kinda the fun of being a guy. You can be a bit perverted and no one really faults you for it. Those are the basics. Just good to keep that list at the top of my head if I'm ever single again.

Now the above video features the late Scott Klein. I was sitting here thinking of something to say for this clip then I realized a lot of how I got started in porn happened thanks to Scott. I saw one of his videos on muscleretroscope or something like that. It was the sister site to Anyway I was attracted to him and I ended up going to eastcoastmuscle which lead me to where he did a video. From there it was only a matter of time before I found and I was off. He was also the first guy that I found attractive that died. I want to say like 5 months maybe even less after I found him he was gone. I don't know the details of his death. Just didn't make sense to me. I looked at him as such a healthy man and he died. Hmm maybe I'll have to do a post about Scott Klein and how he affected my sexual life.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The first video is really two. It features Juan Steel fucking raw. It's the end of one scene with him and then goes into another scene that never finishes. So to get an "ending" you have to go to the beginning of the clip. Next up Dean Coxx jacks in the bathroom. Just a simple video. In this one dean is more hairy then usual. Stays mostly dressed. Didn't shoot as much as he normally does which is a bummer. Sadly my next two videos got deleted so I'm down to four videos today. The new third video is Aden and Jordan Jaric in the morning. It's from Morning Wood if I remember right. I seriously think the hottest porn is when an actual couple is filmed. Shame they broke up. Least we have videos like this one. Lastly is Don Rafael posing, stripping, and jerking off. It's your typical Muscle Hunks video. Enjoy.
Aden Jaric,
Dean Coxx,
Jordan Jaric,
Juan Steel,
Now there are apps
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The first video has two guys fucking on the patio. I must say it's a heavily anal based video. I mean there is like 2 or 3 minutes of blowing then they go at it. And go at it for awhile. Then do a brief bit of blowing before going at it again. Pretty interesting. Next up Francios Sagat gets royally fucked. I mean there is no other way to view it. I mean the top just pounds him. He never really lets up. Don't think Sagat could walk the next day. I'm amazed the top could keep that pace up. And he didn't have a tiny dick either. The next two videos play off each other. They are both from the movie Jumper which has to do with a death experience and getting a redo. Anyway the first video has a guy getting sucked off in movie theater. It was one of those XXX cinema movies. Love the guy in the front that is so into "jacking off" that you don't see anything but this hunk of clothes. It's a really quick scene. Then we get to see what happens after the theater. I'm sure if I saw the whole movie these scenes would make sense. I don't know if that was the guy that would later become his boyfriend or what. It's a really trippy movie, but the sex is good. Fifth up I found another Sagat movie. This time the top is a bit more forgiving and spends more time getting sucked then fucked. The hottest part was Sagat's hairy chest getting coated in cum. Last up is two guys going at it raw. A lot of fucking here.
So much change
So I'm seriously in need of a new website to use for videos. Xvideos is great and all, but they recently changed their embed code. It now isn't a straight forward embed code. Don't worry I can still post videos from their site with the new code, but I can't share them with the social site I'm on. Which annoys me because a lot of good videos are on that site. Plus seems like a lot of bi movies are creeping up. Not just bi, but straight as well. For instance there is a video of Zeb Atlas fucking a chick while Brenn Wyson jacks off watching. Not really a gay aspect. Then there is Frank Defeo fucking a chick as well. No clue why they are under the gay category. Anyway still trying to find a new site. I tried xxxbunker which does have a lot of the same videos as xvideos, but sadly it doesn't let you preview like xvideos or xlive. It's just a thumbnail. Plus when you click on a movie it doesn't take you to a different window. It's weird. Xtube keeps lagging which is getting on my nerves. Gayforit and itsallgay seem to not want to allow me to embed their videos still. At the moment I have come up with a temporary solution. Just hope that site doesn't start changing over.
I just like this photo. The guy is clearly not a model which is why I think I like it. He's in good shape and a cute face. He's approachable. Looks like we could have a good time. Typically the more model like a guy looks the more they seem like you shouldn't talk to them.
I like guys in leather. I especially like hairy muscular guys in leather. Just does it to me every time. Something about leather being so form fitting.
Try not to have a dirty thought in your head looking at this one. The other thing I can't help, but notice is the guy looks like he has tiny legs. Maybe it's just the way he's positioned. Doesn't help that I can't compare it to the upper body. But he does have an ass that clearly likes to be worked. Hopefully in more ways then one.

Monday, May 23, 2011
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Curse you Curiosity
I hate the fact that I am so curious sometimes. Well I was searching xvideos for videos and I came across another one that had Jarics in the name. So I'm sitting there thinking ok who are these guys. Then I started raking my brain and I remember there was a video where only couples were featured and part of it was a sort of newlywed game. And I'm pretty sure the Jarics were on it. So I go to tla and sure enough it's Jordan and Aden Jaric. Now I put Jaric in the search and only this best of Jordan and Aden came up. It helped me in identifying the scenes. And helped me learn that yes they are a couple which helps the porn scenes. Then I got curious. I clicked on Aden Jaric. I saw all the videos in the best of and then I saw two more. So I thought oh they made more I guess. Then I looked at the two videos and there was no Jordan Jaric. So I figured ok time to hit google. And I found my answer. They broke up sometime in 2010. 3 months later they got into a fight. Google Aden Jaric and you'll find it. See this is why I had stopped putting my noise so close to the ground with pornstars. It reminds me of the Pedro Andreas and Daniel Marvin break up all over again. I don't like seeing people break up. And the thing is when I know that two people are a couple I find it odd when they are with anyone else. Which is why I stopped snooping. Well now I feel dirty for looking this up. If I had just left it alone I would be off in my happy world thinking they were a couple. Then again it does make the scene more special. I don't know. Maybe porn is never meant to be humanized. If you just go by whatever the synopsis says and leave it at that it doesn't play such a mind game with you. Well it is human nature to want to know everything. Plus I think only 2 out of 100 couples make it when both guys are pornstars. Best example is Cameron Cruise and Anthony Gallo. Those two have really made it work and been together forever. Note that as I wrote that I had to go to their website to confirm it. As far as I know Steve Cruz and Bruno Bond are still together. Damien Crosse and Francesco D'Macho are still together, married, and have a porn studio they work on together. Maybe that's it. Maybe these couples that do well and survive, survive because they get involved in the production of porn. Maybe it has something to do with the creative freedom. Who knows. I just know the less I know about a porn star the easier it is for me to make up something in my head and not get crushed by reality.
Well this guy sure is a cutie. He's definitely the type that would make me do a double take. He has a great body and a very cute smile which usually is a sign of a good personality. Not to mention his swim trunks sure don't leave a lot to the imagination. One of those guys you can't help, but want to corrupt.
Now this is a man kiss. I'm constantly saying how I love a good kiss. A kiss where you two just seem to fit perfectly into each other. Your bodies get close and your hands roam. I've been with too many guys that hate kissing. Ok I haven't been with a lot of guys, but enough to know that kissing is a must for me. I've had guys who just swallow your mouth, that have had funky breath, have kisses that are just far too wet, or that just won't do it at all. My boyfriend sadly can't passionately kiss without opening his entire mouth. I should show him this picture.
I just like the way this guy smiles. It's that smile that says I'm about to show you something that will blow you away. And I can believe that looking at this guys proportions.

Friday, May 20, 2011
End of the week
Today doesn't feel like a Friday for me. I talked to two of my friends about the dream I had. Both...well one suspected what I suspected which was me and my boyfriend's relationship has changed like it did with that master and slave. The other one thought I had another sex dream about him when I brought it up, then kinda dismissed it after I told him. We ended up talking about him and his boyfriend because I threatened to text his boyfriend to buy a whip. I've been a so so sexual mood. I think because I'm feeding off my boyfriend. He hasn't really been in the mood because of his aunt and I haven't been in the mood to ask for it. Seems like I honestly feed off of a person's sexual energy. Guess it does keep me out of trouble (now).
Another picture from one of my many yahoo groups. I absolutely love doing that. Having my dick in between hairy pecs. One of the many reasons why I love hairy guys. Sadly I think this is one of those single drawings. Not from a comic strip. Would love to see the back story and the finale.
I never get tired of looking at Carl Hardwick. I think it's because it reminds me of a simpler time. By which I mean not worrying about all the adult things I have to worry about. I think Carl Hardwick was a guy I really enjoyed watching because he just seems like such a gentle lover. Don't care if he's straight. Just seems he's approachable.
This is the cover for Blue Blake's Strongman Solo Series. The funny thing is I don't think there was ever a 2nd video. I just now checked and I am correct in saying that. Also seems like this was the last video ever put out by Blue Blake. Well now I have to go look at the website. Ok website is still up, but doesn't look like anything new has been added. Anyway I posted this picture because well it amazes me that this was his last video. I can't believe it was just a solo compilation. Seems like it should have at least been two guys going at it. Then again I'm sure a lot of things happened where he thought he was going to be doing more. I just wonder what is Blue up to and what Blue Blake productions has come to a halt.

Thursday, May 19, 2011
First up is another scene from The Brig. Our hero (couldn't help but use that line) gets fucked by his commanding officer. We still have no clue why he's in trouble, but apparently it has to do with the fact that this commanding officer things he likes having sex with men. That or he was horny and picked this guy because he finds him attractive. Either way it's cheesy. Next we stop by the cruising park once again. Just so you know the guy that's just waiting around doesn't do anything. And sadly he let two really hot guys go past. Anyway once we get past that the real action begins. Just like last time two guys go at it while another jacks off watching them. This time the guy jacking off imagines himself getting his dick sucked. Last for a few seconds then he blows. Third up a guy gets sucked off before work. Next up is a Camera Test. Now this is a scene from the movie jumper which has to do with a guy getting a 2nd chance at life. Anyway I don't exactly know what's going on other then it looks like this is a test for gay porn in it's early days before anal was truly shown. Hence the condom left on the guys leg at the end. My fifth video of course got deleted. So on to the last video. A prisoner gets fucked by the guard. Well what do you expect when you jack off and get caught. Just fyi there is also a piss scene towards the end. Enjoy.
...ok then
I had a weird dream this morning. Don't know what prompted it. Well in the dream I was watching a couple who have a master-slave relationship. And the guy who was the master broke ranks and kissed his slave and it was like I was watching the master-slave relationship start to melt away and become something else. It was weird because well I don't really watch that type of porn. I just have no clue where the hell that came from. I mean I'm not knocking it. There was a time I did watch that type of porn, but I personally like more romantic stuff. Anyway I don't know what made it play in my head. Maybe because I've been reading too many erotic novels where a relationship evolves into something more romantic. Maybe that's it. Maybe it's my mind saying my relationship with my boyfriend needs to change. Or maybe my mind was playing some random porn clip for some reason. Man I need a shrink that works for free.
I found this on lolsnaps. Kinda had to post it. Must say the guy does have an ass on him. Can you imagine fucking an ass like that. I mean if he didn't want you to pull out you sure as hell won't be. I just wish we could see the front.
Another pic from one of my yahoo groups. Never seen this picture of Titpig. Apparently he does this a lot though. The tying his nipples to his dick thing. There was another picture of him doing the same thing. Plus I just like this angle. I like looking up at guys. Even though in real life we are the same height and we'd be looking at each other eye to eye.
Wrestling singlet, nipple play, jockstrappless, and a nicely built guy. I honestly love this picture. Has a lot of things I like. Will say I think the guy over did it with the tongue thing. Should be a little more subtle to make it more sensual. The way he did it there is no question in anyone's mind what he's thinking.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
The first video is with Ales Hanak and Geoff Ashton. The two soldiers get caught up in a down pour. As a result they have to take off all their wet clothes. The funny part of this video is that Geoff is so eager to get his clothes off I mean he looks like it was his first time ever having sex. So awkwardly cute. Once the clothes are off all hell breaks loose. The next video is LA Tools' final scene. I loved this scene. Not for the music of course. Mainly because the two main characters finally get together after this long drawn out trip. And they flip flop. It's believable that they are actually lovers in this instance. I will say I don't remember it being so short, but in the grand scheme of things all vintage scenes were short. And I did watch it over and over and over again. Third up is Max Grand fucking in hot tub. Well getting and giving a blowjob in the tub. They do fuck outside the tub. Again it's one of those two scenes in one type deals. Two other guys are going at it and sadly the camera does focus in on them. They are twinks for sure and I personally rather watch Max and this other guy go at it. Then we have two guys in the locker room. I must say the first guy is so subtle (yes I'm being sarcastic). He snags the jock's jockstrap and watches him shower. For sure asking to get caught and surely does. Sadly my 5th clip was deleted. Kinda was expecting it. Surprised it lasted as long as it did. I'd tell you what it is, but then you'd get upset that it was deleted. So on to the last video. A threesome with waiter, guest, and host. It all starts with the guest asking the waiter about the host's dick. Well you know what that leads to. The host walks in and gets hard and of course joins in. Got to love porn.
Middle of the week
It's humpday once again. Me I'm in a so so mood because of the simple fact that it's Wednesday. On Wednesdays I don't workout. It's the only day I don't workout. I swear it just makes me sluggish all day. Plus seems like everyone is busy with something or another. It also hasn't been an awesome day for videos. It's also gloomy out. One of those days that just make me want to take a quick nap. I've also been trying to deal with blogger constantly wanting to make a draft version of a blog post I've already posted. 2 days in a row I've had to delete the blog post layered day from my drafts. This is what happens when blogger freaks out. I'd move to a different host, but honestly I don't think those will be much better. Be a lot harder for me to do what I want to do with my blog.
Another picture of Dodger Wolf. Based on the extremely bushy hair I think he was a bit younger in this photo. Plus his beard doesn't have that bit of gray in it. Wonder who was lucky enough to take this photo? There is a lot I don't know about Dodger Wolf which is unusual for me. Then again I haven't been keeping my nose low to the ground in the porn world recently. Usually I do tons of snooping, but just haven't felt like it anymore. Guess I get too invested in Porn Stars and the mystery is gone turning me off to them. Definitely don't want to do that with this hairy hunk.
Still drawing a name blank on this guy. I keep wanting to say Steve Kelso, but I think that's a different Colt model. Yeah I know I'm slacking on that duty. Anyway I love hairy guys. Plus I love wet hairy muscular guys. The really funny thing is it's like he's doing a bicep flex while getting clean. It's cute photos like this that I wish more studios would do again.
Now this is a good photo to make 3-D. I mean it's layered for it. Anyway I think Ray Stone is hot. He just has that daddy quality that I love. He just seems to know how to take charge. Not only that he also knows how to let go and be totally dominated. I find both qualities hot.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
First up is Ty Fox in a threesome. Honestly that's the only reason why I posted this video. I find Ty Fox super sexy. And he gets so sweaty having sex. That is so hot. The next video is Daniel Marvin and Pedro Andreas in love addiction. First off this video has no sound. Sorry. Anyway this is a video I've been wanting to see, but it has just not been posted like you'd figure a video like this would get shared. Anyway to get you caught up Daniel meets up with Pedro and becomes obsessed with him so he's talking to a therapist to get past it. In this scene the doctor seems to have a bit of a day dream. Then is another part of the movie. I believe it's the final scene. In this scene Daniel has a party where a bunch of guys write on a guy and fuck him. Still no sound. My fourth video got deleted so the new one is a van orgy. It's another short little scene from LA Tools. Last up is two cowboys on a camping trip. You know where it's going when in the first few minutes you see a guy rubbing his jeans. Basically you have two cowboys alone on a camping trip. Almost like a movie that came out some time ago.
Back to where I left off
So yesterday I left off talking about how my boyfriend wants to do this declaration of love thing that we will both sign. Basically he wants us to be able to use it to show our families if something was to happen to one of us. For instance if I was to die he'd show it to my family so that they will let him be up front at the funeral. Well I didn't want to point out that it's not a legal obligation. All it does is well out us. If our families don't want us there we won't be there. Unless we put in our will that we want the other in the front row it won't happen. I even talked to two of my friends and they agree that it would basically just be a piece of paper even if we did get it notarized. Well I just agreed to go along with it because if I didn't he wouldn't be able to well stop freaking out. The next step would have to be coming out or breaking up and honestly we'd end up breaking up. I'm not coming out in this town. Far too conservative and too many people would be affected negatively. And if it does come up again I will tell him exactly that. I will not put him through major heartbreak (because his family will disown him) to come out. Plus even if we did we still have no place that's safe to even hold hands. I love him too much to see him hurt and suffer the way he will if we come out. Yeah we'd both suffer if we broke up, but in the end he'd be happier because he would have his family.
Got to love camera phones. Tons more guys post pictures of themselves. Anyway based on this guys proportions and the nips I'd like to say that this is Skye Woods. I of course can be wrong since I can't see the face. Must say I'm jealous of the towel. And why cover it up. If you are going to be naked just let the towel drop. Then again this could be one of those pictures that a guy puts up on or manhunt to get guys interested.
This a picture of Titpig that I got from another one of my yahoo groups. It's also a photo that's on his website (if it's even still up). He's a guy that kinda got me into a bit of a smoking fetish too. That and I discovered which at the time let me preview videos. Anyway he looks so different then he did towards the later half of his career. Seemed like he got bigger muscle wise and his nips got even bigger.
I keep saying it all the time. I love muscular mature guys. I just find them hotter. Plus this guy has very hot nips. Let him dominate me anytime.

Monday, May 16, 2011
The first video has no sound. Which is fine not too much is said. The only good line is "Your breath smells like cum." Basically the guy on the ground is a hitchhiker and this couple takes him in. I must say the boyfriend is very understanding. If my boyfriend woke up to me being fucked by another guy he'd flip. The next clip is Duncan Murphy and Jack Van Dean. It's part of the final scene of Jizz Gym. It's such a hot video. It was another one of those videos that I saw tons of clips of when I was first starting to look at gay porn. Duncan Murphy just has this voice that drives me wild. Jack has that body that you just want to do naughty things to. Great combo. Third up is Jon Galt and Dick Wolf in the gym. This isn't my favorite video for either of them, but it is hot. It's the final scene of the movie manhunt based on the site. Jon is a gym owner and Dick is well the lucky pig boy that gets him all to himself. Then it's Hank Hightower doing a porn scene in a porn scene. Yeah it's like in Hamlet with the play with in the play. Anyway once you ignore that fact it's fine. Kinda your typical porn scene. Now this next vintage video with Jim Cassidy and Dakota is a little off. Those of you that watch a lot of porn will figure out what I mean by that. If you don't then I won't explain it to you. The guys are hot. The words are hot. The actions are hot, but there is one thing that messes with my mind about this scene every time I watch it. Lastly is the movie Maxplay from maskurbate. Just fyi the guy that is in the chair puts the mask on and off. I don't know why he couldn't just choose one, but the movie isn't about him. It's about the huge fucker that gets worshiped. Sadly not the best ending as you'll see.
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