Thursday, July 29, 2010

I had a scary dream

In this dream my current boyfriend knew my ex boyfriend. They had apparently met before. Me and my current bf were at a hotel or a motel and for some reason my ex boyfriend was in the room. That's always good. My ex and current start talking like they've known each other for years. In the dream apparently my current dated my ex some time ago. Then I seemed to jump to outside this house and I was talking to my mom and apparently she saw me and my boyfriend being romantic, but still hadn't connected the dots. It was all sorts of weird. Anyway yesterday my boyfriend takes off his shirt claiming to be hot. Well earlier I had removed my shorts claiming I was hot. I actually was. So eventually his pants came off and my shirt came off. I was holding him and he kinda reached over and played with my nips and chest and says I have a really nice chest. I honestly have anything but nice pecs. They are just finally starting to go outward. They aren't impressive mounds like his. So I point this out and he says no yours is solid mines just flab. I said it's only because of how I'm positioned. So we go at this pretty much the rest of the night. As we were going to bed we were spooning and he said I have a really strong back. I guess the great thing about having someone you love is they will tell you the bs you secretly want to hear, but won't ever admit. I've been doing my best to work out hard and make sure I start to see results. Seems like I'm kinda at a plateau. I don't seem to be getting any bigger, but luckily not getting smaller either. I'm hoping that going back to the pre-workout that I love and adding some waximaze will help me put on some size. My boyfriend would love to see me with 15 inch arms. On a 5' 6" guys 15 inches does look nice. I think honestly I'm just motivated to look as physically attractive as possible. I guess because I know my boyfriend likes built guys. Not bodybuilder huge, but with some good size muscles on them. I guess I don't want him to look at another guy and say man I wish my boyfriend looked like that. I guess that's just my insecurities showing themselves.

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