I don't know what my boyfriend is doing lately that is making me so pissy with him. Just seems like the little things are just pissing me off for no reason. For example he is just always doing something. I get home after a full 9 hours at work dealing with seniors. And he's at home going on and on about how humid it is and how the a/c isn't dragging it out. On Sunday I was on the phone with my mom and he's just messing it trying to undo the cover. I'm just sitting there thinking what the hell. I'm on the phone and now you decide to do this. Anyway so he wants to go get a dehumidifier and I didn't want to go because I did just get home. We went out for a walk where we were attacked by nats. I wanted to stay home, but no he was going to harass me until we did it. And I had to drive because he's getting his car fixed because someone in his family had their wheels fall of so he's all paranoid about his. So we get this stupid dehumidifier (which I had to carry) and are driving home. I'm telling him a story and he's like take the turn here. It was not the turn to get onto our street. Then we finally get home. I'm sitting down reading the magazine I had just started on and he just won't stop talking. He's going on and on about the stupid dehumidifier. I mean I have the tv on and I'm clearly trying to watch Mythbusters, but no. He just won't stop talking. Then he finally shuts up and I get to watch it. Then today I get into work and he's just going on and on and on and on. I don't know what it is recently, but he just makes me want to hit him. And it's not just that either. His constant worrying is starting to get to me. I mean the man worries about everything. Yes I knew this about him when we met. I'm more laid back. I get things done, but I don't stress about them. Well he does and it's just starting to bring me down. I mean he worries about things so much that it makes it so that's all I can think of. And they are things that we can't change like republicans in the congress. We can't do anything besides vote them out when the time comes, but he just harps on every single thing they do. Then the sex thing. It's really starting to get to me that we only have sex once a week and it's never spontaneous. He has to plan it out. He has to take his pill which means that I know what he's up to. Yeah sometimes that's exciting, but I'd like for him to once reach into my pants and start playing with my dick and for it to lead to something. We never fuck in the morning (mainly because I'm so groggy in the morning), but he never tries. Wednesday we don't go to the gym so if he wanted to one of those weeks we can do something, but no sex makes him groggy and he has to get to work in the morning. Again I don't know where all of this is coming from. I don't know if it's because all the stress at work or if I'm just seeing it for the first time and it's starting to get to me. It's probably because we honestly don't get too much time to just do something we like to do. I don't have friends I get to hang out with all by myself. Or it's just misplaced anger. I'll have to figure it out.

I think Scott Steiner was honestly my first real guy crush. Well first celeb guy crush. I remember watching WCW late one Saturday night and he came out and I mean he just memorized me. He was the first truly huge guy I saw in motion. I'd only seen guys like him in muscle mags and those didn't move. I think he's one of the reasons why I love facial hair on guys. Anyway just the way he'd come out to the ring. He was always flexing and kissing his bicep. He always got me hard even back then. Think he's also the reason why I like teddy bear guys, because he honestly looks (to me) different with his shades on and off. It's like when they are on he's this gruff and tough guy, but with them off you see his eyes. And just seems like he was more vulnerable to me even with all that muscle.

I go back and forth with Landon Mycles a.k.a. Marcus Mojo. And the main reason for the back and forth has to do with the fact that he has an alia named Marcus Mojo. Anyway there are some videos I see of him where I just get really turned on and then others where he seems like that straight guy that's only doing this for money. Anyway it's always the way his body looks that seems to make me like a video or not. I mean he's ripped. He has a great body, but seems like when he's Marcus Mojo he just looks different then when he goes by Landon Mycles. Maybe it's just my mind playing games with me.

This is honestly what I wish more porn videos would do. Especially the muscle worship videos. I mean I find it so hot to rub my dick on a guys muscular chest and shoot right there. I especially like it when it's hairy to have some of those hairs tickle my dick. Just feels like it's the best way to show how much you appreciate all the hard work the guy has done by cumming on a muscle group that he's flexing for you.
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