My boyfriend gets maximum fitness for men magazine and I was reading it the other day. One of the articles talked about guys and their penis. Basically saying that tons of guys spend tons of time, money, an energy in search for a bigger penis. The thing is that I was one of them. And the article raised a good point. The average penis size is 5-7 inches. Meaning if you see the guy next to you int he locker room he's probably the same size as you. Anyway they mention that it's thanks to porn. You see guys like John Holmes and Matt Ramsey swinging bats. I just find it funny that those are the two porn names that they decided to use. Not Ron Jeremy or any other guy who did not do gay porn at some point. Tells you something about the guy writing the article. Anyway there was a time that I was a size queen. I thought the bigger the better mainly because of porn. I mean there are so many sites and videos and studios devoted to guys with 9 inch dicks or bigger. Ok 8 or bigger. I guess after being with a guy who was an 8. And a thick 8 at that I don't see what the big draw is. Seems like I enjoyed being on more average dicks. Like it didn't take me so long to get use to the size and just seemed to have more fun. Plus 8 inch dicks are hard to deep throat unless you have no gag reflex. We do live in a society where bigger is better which is not always the case. I mean things are designed for the average. That's what makes it average. It means the majority fits into this one box and so things are made for them. Just like being right handed. Meh maybe I'm one of those unaverage guys who don't really go for the really huge dicked guys. He's a big guy. That's what drew me to the picture. And he doesn't have those chicken legs either. Seems like he's well proportioned. Least to me. I will also say he has pretty strong looking calves. Kinda can't help, but notice them. And he has that kinda smug smile, but not so smug that he seems full of himself. It's a very fine line, but you do know it when you see it. This guy reminds me of Mike Radcliffe. Now I do think Mike was all around bigger, and not as defined as this guy, but they both have a similar face. Even have the same haircut. It's kinda sad that I get reminded of porn stars all the time. Bet this guy could do a good job attempting to replace Mike Radcliffe.
Now I post this video because I find it interesting. I've heard of guys lactating before. When I was constantly visiting this pec worship erotic fiction website. They had a link to an article where a gay man claimed that he lactated. Well that's what this guy is doing. Now as someone who's naturally skeptical I just wonder if it is milk or not something else. I'll let you watch it and you be the judge.
All Models are 18 and Over. Must be 18 and Older to view the content on this blog. All images and videos were found on the internet. I am not the owner. I will remove anything that infringes on a copyright at rightful owners request.
A 20 something year old who has been out for about a year now. Not a fem by any means. Live in a small town now so obviously can't let on who I am. Don't try to label me because I can't even label myself. It's fun being complicated.
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