So the other day I was talking to a customer and he asked me if I had a girlfriend at the moment. I said no I'm no really looking at the moment since girlfriends tend to do murder on buying sports supplements (which is true). Inside I felt myself beaming with pride that he thought I was straight. Then I kinda stopped and thought why does that make me happy? Does it have to do with the fact that I live in this conservative town and "acting straight" means I can fit in. Or does it have to do with this inner need to not be one of those stereotypical gay guys. As I've said before when I came out I got mixed reviews from people. Some weren't shocked at all. Others couldn't believe it. Anyway it got me thinking more. Well of course people assume I'm straight. I live in a conservative town where you couldn't point out a gay person if you try. Now if I lived in San Francisco for instance people might assume I'm gay rather than straight. I think it just depends on where you are. Well that and what you are doing. Since I'm selling sports supplements and am knowledgeable about that stuff I break a stereotype so people don't think about it. I'm sure they don't stop and think
hmmm I bet their are gay bodybuilders and athletes out there. Again I don't know how I should feel about everyone assuming I'm straight. In this town it's a good thing, but feels like I shouldn't be
ok with that. It's a mixed bag of emotions.

I believe this lad's name is Brent
Harrett. Or was it Harley Brent. Anyway he got my attention. For two reasons really. One how can you not notice all his tats and 2 wow that's a big dick. He also has a chest I'd love to play with all the time. I'm finding myself more and more attracted to guys that look like you should never mess with them, just because I want to know how they really are. Guys that look like him that are actually really loving and caring are my biggest weak point.

I can hear some of you screaming through the
internet right now at this picture. Those that are fans probably saw Eating Out 3. This guy (sorry too lazy to look up credits) played Zack in the 3rd movie. He was the young hunk that was sought after by our main character this go around. The thing is he was very believable as the hunk who has a great body and heart that sometimes gets taken advantage of. Mainly because he has that face that just say corrupt me. Not to mention he's not too bad in the dick department. You get to briefly see it. It was flaccid, but still impressive. Plus he makes the cutest O face. Just watch the movie.
Speaking of Eating out this is a scene from the 1st movie. I never saw the first movie mainly because it never really appealed to me. Saw the trailer and the 2
nd and 3rd just looked better and since they do stand on their own I rented those two. Anyway this is the scene after Marc and Caleb get back from their date. Caleb is straight pretending to be gay. It's an interesting scene because this chick just loves gay guys. I guess it kinda makes sense. Kinda like how straight guys love lesbians. Anyway if I was on a date and my friend wants to talk to my date and he suddenly getting really turned on I'd dump the guy. Clearly I won't do it for him.
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