So I was on a site yesterday and I realized something. Well let's back up. It's one of those online communities (not the one I usually go on) that I signed up for a long time ago, then forgot about. Well I got an e-mail saying they are giving me 3 free months as a premium member. Which means I can download videos which is nice. Well I went on there and I was curious as to people that might be in the area. 3 guys. That's it 3 guys. All the other guys were in the bigger cities thus proving that sometimes being a small town sucks. Just cemented in my mind that if something happens to my relationship that ends it I'm moving. Probably moving back to Texas. Least there I could meet someone. Plus I'd be close to all my friends again. I'm just really realizing why my bf was so depressed when I first met him. There are like no guys to be gay around in this town. Plus it's so small that if anyone has any hint that you are gay they will spread it like wild fire which is not great for the job that he has. I just wonder if this is one of those things that could break us up further down the line. This is why I got to stop watching so many gay movies where guys are in toxic relationships. Puts doubt in my head which is never good.

This is one of the few screen caps I saw for this movie from Chaosmen. It's another erotic massage video. Anyway I'm big into oiled up guys. Oil or water or sweat. Just makes the muscles on guys stand out more which I find hot. I will say I am posting the video at some point. Can't remember when I found it or what post it's under. Like I said before I find videos early on so that I'm not scrambling for them later. I'll say my opinion of it when it's actually posted.

Bodybuilders honestly amaze me. I mean the hours that they put into their body to only be on stage for a few minutes just blows me away. Yeah posing routines don't last very long and there is always a chance that you can get cut early on. Plus I've been working out for going on 2 years now and I can not get my body to look like that. Now granted I don't eat like I'm suppose to or take steroids or spend as much time in the gym as I should if I want to look like that, but still makes me appreciate the hard work that goes into it. Not like these guys just go into the gym lift and then bam they look like that. They have to research exercises, work on body parts that tend to lag, make sure they are eating enough, diet down when the time comes.

... I don't know how it's possible to not like this photo or the video that this still is from. Least for me. It has all the elements I love. Hairy guys, bald guys, muscular guys, guys in jocks, and pec play. Oh and facial hair. Plus the guys are pretty equal which for me makes the scene hotter. Sometimes seeing a big guy fuck a little guy or vice versa gets old. I always like seeing equal guys going at it because you never know who will be the top or if they'll flip or what. The chemistry is just better.
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