Yesterday I had one of those moments that solidified in my mind that I'm gay. As weird as that sounds it's true. Every now and again I have a thought that removes any doubt that I'm gay. Yeah from time to time some creep up. Yeah I know I'm gay and don't plan on changing that, but you know the back of your head. Always has doubts. It's kinda like when you first come out and have an your first experience with a guy. Well I've only been out for what 2 years now and I still have those moments that make me think yep I'm gay. Well I was watching a gay porno (no that was not the thing) and I was looking at this guy's erect dick and I just thought wow that's lovely. Yeah that was the thought. Thinking that a man's penis erect was lovely. I'm not saying that there aren't other area's of the male anatomy that I love or think are lovely, but well the dick is kinda the main thing of a guy. It's one of the big things that separates a man from a woman. It takes over our thoughts from time to time. I'm sure I will continue to have moments like this, but they will be few and far between.

The thing about this pose and this angle is that I can't help but notice this guy's package. Don't get me wrong he does have a great body too, but well hard to not notice it. Just the way the camera caught him. Plus the posers don't help either. Looks like he's wearing silk ones.

I like black and white photos. There are things that you can do with light and shadow that you can't do in color photos. Just the way this guy is standing and the lighting it gives this impression that it's just you two in the gym. And looks like he noticed you looking.

I don't think you see this enough sometimes. A guy that has an erection without a hand, mouth, ass, etc. on or around it. You are free to notice how hard he is. Nothing else distracts you from it. Plus the fact that it's right next to a white bowl helps. He looks like a guy that's in the middle of edging. Playing with his nip instead of his dick to make it last longer.
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