Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Not too much to say

Nothing super special is really going on today. Just dealing with another deep freeze in the region. Luckily my car did start so didn't have to worry about that. Suppose to be a little warmer tomorrow, but we will see.
 Oh I can't remember these guys names. I want to say the guy riding is Marco something that starts with an S. This is a still from Kristen Bjorn's casting couch. The guy riding is my favorite because his pecs have the dimples as you can see. Plus he makes a great top or bottom.
 This is obviously not a standard poser. Pretty much because I can see a bit of spillage going on. Looks like it's his tanning suit. Not that I have a problem with him spilling out, but the judges in a contest might. Or could end up giving him a better score.
 This guy is Chaz Ryan. I posted a video or two of his awhile back. As you can see the dude is massive. He has done work for several studios from mission4muscle to paragon men to Jimmy Z. The guy is just massive. Would love to see him perform live.
I don't know where I found this, but glad I did. A lot of guys nowadays have tattoos and that's fine. This guy has what looks like 4 that we can see. As long as he doesn't go over board then it's fine. When a guy has his body covered in tattoos that are unrelated to each other it just looks messy not artistic, but that's just this bloggers opinion.


  1. yeahhhhhhhhh Chaz Ryan is huge my dick is dripping cum . i want to eat him up
    fuclk the last guy is cute anyone knows?

    1. it´s a brazilian man Samuel from G magazine . but i prefer Chaz Ryan ! shit doe post Chaz again
