Yeah it was for sure the stress. I don't think me and my boyfriend will be in the mood though. We are just too stressed out. Lucky for me he hasn't really pressured me for sex and I haven't done so either. We are kinda in limbo until we get our new jobs under our foot and know what it means for time together. Also I think I was worried because a friend of mine broke up with his boyfriend. Kinda makes you worried about your relationship when your friends breakup. I was surfing the web yet again and found quite a lot of things I figured I'd post today. Two are pictures and another one is a video. Yay. Now this is a first. It proves why I never get tired of Zeb Atlas. As we all know Zeb is straight. Hasn't hidden that. He's only fucked a guy once. Never sucked cock. Well can't say that anymore. This is from a video where he not only sucks a guy's cock, but also fucks him. Seems like Zeb is really branching out there which is great for us. I think he truly is that straight that he has no problem fucking a guy for money. I think the only thing we will never see out of him is him taking it up the ass. He's gotten rimmed quite a few times. Don't worry I found the video file and will be posting it either today or tomorrow. I have the pic her just in case the video gets deleted. Now this guy should look familiar. If not put some hair on his head and a mustache. That's right Rusty Jeffers a.k.a. Carl Hardwick. He truly is looking amazing. He's major proof that you are never too old to be a buff stud. I mean wow he looks so good. Would love to see him dust off the Carl Hardwick name and do another solo vid for colt. Man he looks amazing. So the video I'm going to post is one of Sagi Kalev. Probably one of the most known bodybuilders of pec lovers. He has an amazing chest. This video showcases it. It's different clips put together of him playing with his chest. Wish he'd pull out that cock while he was doing that. One can only dream.
All Models are 18 and Over. Must be 18 and Older to view the content on this blog. All images and videos were found on the internet. I am not the owner. I will remove anything that infringes on a copyright at rightful owners request.
A 20 something year old who has been out for about a year now. Not a fem by any means. Live in a small town now so obviously can't let on who I am. Don't try to label me because I can't even label myself. It's fun being complicated.
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