Today I figured I'd post some of the recent pictures I got off random blogs and sites and share them with everyone again.

The first image up is one of another porn start I can't get enough of, Carlos Montenegro. There is just something about him that always gets my blood boiling. I think it all started because of the movie El Rancho. He just has this look that makes me melt. He has a great body, and beautiful eyes. Not to mention great dick. Plus the new tattoo he has makes him look even sexier. I got this pic from Roids N' Rants. Must say I love the two faces guys with hardons. Hey I'd have a boner too if I was next to him.

This is another one I got from Roids N' Rants. I do enjoy erotic comics. Mainly bara stuff. This one kinda reminds me of the bara style. You can clearly tell both guys are muscular. Plus that is a very nicely drawn cock. Plus the situation just seems like a hot one. You ask a friend to help you move and he says sure if you pay me. Of course you didn't think he had this in mind for payment. I don't know if that's the real situation, but I'm basing my idea on the boxes. And from porn I've seen.

I like this picture just because like I said before I have a thing for bald muscular studs. Plus he's just the right size. Not too huge, but clearly not new to the gym. Plus you can tell from the bulge he has quite the package. He's also very vascular which means great blood flow which means blood flows to the right places at the right time. Would love to see him alone jacking off.

This guy is clearly younger then the one right above him. This guy is just slightly bigger, but still what I call the right size. Great muscularity and cute smile. Wish I was the guy that got to do his coloring, but it's pictures like this that make me think a lot of bodybuilders really into themselves. I mean his posers are really tight. He is clearly bulging. I'm sure he's getting turned on posing for the crowd and having them whooping just for him. Hey I know a lot of guys would do the same thing for him in private.

This last guy is clearly not the biggest guy I've posted, but I like this photo for a different reason. I think a lot of guys get to a certain age and just stop trying. They know they won't be as big as they use to be or could have been in their younger days so they just let themselves go. Yeah he's not as big as a 25 year old, but I think he looks great. I'd take him home over the 25 year old. He clearly takes care of himself and is proud of his body without showboating. I think he'd have a better personality and I'd have a better time in bed.
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