Like I said yesterday I had more images to share with everyone so I am. Oh just a quick note. Tomorrow don't except me to post. I'm working and any extra time is being spent with my boyfriend.

Now this is another perfect penis outline. You can clearly see the head of his dick. The right type of skimpy. Plus the guy behind him doesn't look too bad either. Again this is a nice sized guy. Not too big. Just perfect. Oh and his person did a great job with his coloring.

If this guy looks familiar then clearly you watch gay porn. That's Mitchell Rock. The thing I never understood about guys that are bodybuilders and porn stars is the need to do both. I can just go to like or musclar development or any of those other sites to find his real name. Plus I know he does porn so what is the point of a fake name then? That's just the thoughts that go through my head when I see this picture.

I chose this picture because of the contrast between the two guys. One guy clearly has the spread tan on along with some posing gel. The other guy just looks like his has some posing gel on. On top of that I think this guy won. Just something you don't see a lot. I know when your black you don't need the tan so much, but he looks so pale compared to his competitor. I'd be afraid I'd stick out for that reason more then the fact that I'm better built then the other guys.

This picture just reminds me of the days when I'd get up on Saturday morning turn on cartoons and jack off. No not to the cartoons. That was just to keep my parents from just busting in. There was a time that I use to jack off using a jockstrap. Definitely an interesting feeling. Especially when you cum. Now I never oozed like that, but it's always interesting to watch cum coming through a jockstrap.

Now this last guy is just tiny. He looks more like those models you see on the covers of fitness magazines. The ones that are yes in shape, but aren't huge. Seems kinda out of place at a bodybuilding show, but then again this was probably in the lightweight division. Plus what the hell is up with his posing strap. Dude either pull them down or get slimmer posers. It looks like they are going to come off. Just a bad fit. Plus looks like he has a very tiny dick too.
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