Thursday, April 1, 2010

Could sleep for days

Last night as me and the boyfriend were laying down to sleep his mother called. Ok that's not true because I was out and when the phone rang I had no clue what it was. His mother was having severe pains and asked him to take her to the hospital which he did. I went back to bed after what seemed like hours. I was just hot like no other. He comes back at like 3 and wakes me up. Not on purpose, but does wake me up. So I get up and I'm just kinda dragging. My boyfriend pulled two April Fools jokes on me. I was clearly not there to receive them. Anyway I'm a lot less horny then I was yesterday which is weird. Usually for me it builds and builds, but I'm sure I am still horny just dealing with a headache. Hopefully everyone will leave early today so I can have a little jerk before going home. I was surfing through blogspot and I found some people on the blogs I follow and was going through what blogs they follow. Now there are a few that follow some of the porn stars out there. I thought about that, but at the same time not sure if I want to do that. I mean what is the point of me following a porn stars blog. What they do in their personal lives is none of my business right? Not to mention not like me following them is going to lead to an instant friendship. For instance yesterday I found out that tony maxim is a fellow member of a yahoo group I'm in. Well that's not really a basis of a friendship now is it. Wow I see we are in the same group let's be friends. I've kinda tried it before with having a conversation with Ross Hurston and yeah that didn't end well. So anyway I got to get back to work soon. Got 3 video clips though. The first is a "military" clip. I don't know what movie it's from. I also can't remember one of the guys names. I think it's Dan something. I could look it up, but again I'm lazy. The next is a clip from Anchor Hotel I believe. The last scene actually. It's stars Arpad Miklos and 3 other guys. When I found this scene is was when I was heavily into him. Just something about a big tall bear that got me. I even thought about doing the on the hunt thing with manhunt just so I could meet him. Lastly is a video clip that I again can't name. I don't know the two actors, but I'm pretty sure they were a couple. They might still be, but I haven't seen them lately. I just know that they did this movie, a clip for Colt that was on one of their best of movies, and they did an oil wrestling movie. Like I said I think they were a couple, and if not then they sure as hell should be. I know I would take either one.

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