Wednesday, September 28, 2016

And stressed

So work has been a big stresser for me lately. Well not so different from everyone else right? The short version is that we are super short staffed going into our busy season. We have management that refuse to acknowledge the problem or lift a finger to speed it up. Then we have a super negative co-worker and a super lazy co-worker that aren't being reprimanded like they should be.
How our department is setup is that there is the North side and the South side. Basically has to do with how we are laid out in the hospital. I'm on the South side the bigger department. The north is smaller and deals with clinic stuff instead of the OR. Well we have lost quite a few people to the North side thanks to all the vacancies they keep having. So while they get fully staffed we get less and less people to take care of the demanding OR. Then there is this secrecy from management whenever anyone goes over. Then of course we are down another person and sure enough more mandatory overtime. Plus we still haven't filled our Night position which has been open for like 4 months, which leads to more spreading out of people from different shifts which are already pretty damn short. Just frustrating.
Every one seems to be leaving because of all the mandatory over time we have to do. We have to work weekends and holidays. Not the north side. Plus the North has a supervisor that actually wants to keep his employees in the know. Not us on the South. Not to mention our supervisor just refuses to listen to us most of the time. We had an employee survey earlier in the year and all of our needs improvement questions had to do with management. So when we discuss the results do we talk about that? Oh no that would be way too simple. So it will of course be another issue for another year. Basically we just need her gone. She wants to retire and it's obvious in how she treats us.
Hopefully I can get through today without strangling someone. No promises though.

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