A lot has happened over the weekend and I just can't focus on blogging for right now. My ex's mother is currently dying and could go any second. I need to be there for him which means I'm going to be pretty down. I'm also stressed from work and lastly from trying to figure out Seth. So I'm putting new posts on a hold for now. I may be back next week it may be 2 weeks for now. And in all honesty I may not come back. Blogging has gotten to the point where it's a chore so I think once I get some down time I'll be able to figure out what I want to do with this blog because right now if it was to go down I wouldn't replace it. So we will see. I may not be tweeting much either. Got a lot going on this week so I may or may not see you again.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
The first video is two guys in the locker room. This is also the first scene from the movie Chad is Back that brought back Chad Connors. If we are to believe porn locker rooms are the best place for sex because no one comes in. Wouldn't mind trying it out myself. Next is a guy humping his desk. Well more like humping his underwear on the desk. Will say that it does take awhile, but the cumshot is kinda sudden. It looks like it's going to dribble out, then wham a shot. Third up is a guy in red shorts jacking off. He's a leaner guy, but still sexy. Will say that the video does suffer from the webcam syndrome meaning if you move too fast it blurs. I did watch it, but it's hard to see the cumshot. I like this fourth video because it has Doug Jeffries in it. Once you get past the whole fake gun fight that happens kinda early on it's a decent clip. I just love watch Doug go at it. Wish he was still in front of the camera honestly. Such a hottie. The last two are Thomas Bjorn "auditioning" two more guys. The funny thing is that most of these are just for his amusement and to share with us. Usually these guys don't end up in anything unless he really likes them or they are already porn stars. I personally just like seeing him dominate a guy.
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Sex Pigs From Hell - Scene 7 - Pacific Sun Entertainment brought to you by PornHub
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Sex Pigs From Hell - Scene 7 - Pacific Sun Entertainment brought to you by PornHub
Doug Jeffries,
Jack Off,
Thomas Bjorn,
I hate my conscience
I hate it for two reasons. 1. Conscience is not spelled like it sounds. Looks like Con Science which sounds like fake science. 2. Thanks to it I sat at home doing nothing. I had a hook up (me and Seth aren't a couple yet so I can still play), but my ex's mom went to the hospital. And I was so worried about him and her that I couldn't even blog. Well turns out she was fine and the nurse over reacted, but by this time I just wasn't into a hook up. Then I come to find out his brother is also in the hospital. So thanks to me worrying about him I didn't get any. Which actually turns out to be a blessing in disguise. I come to find out that the guy I was suppose to hook up with is sick today with a 101 degree fever. I could be sick today. Plus if it wasn't for my strong sense of right and wrong I wouldn't be so appealing to so many different guys. So maybe I don't hate it, but I do get annoyed with it from time to time.
I really like guys that have chest hair like this guy. I don't know why specifically. Just something about it kinda being matted down. It's there without overly covering the chest. And the thing is that it's all genetics really. Some guys have chest hair that is out more and others have it more matted down and sparse.
Quite a shot (in both senses). Because of the photo I can't tell if some of it has landed on his face or if it's still in the air. The funny thing is the guys that shoot the most usually don't look like they would. Seems like in porn I'm always getting surprised by who shoots a huge load and who doesn't.
A firemen and his hose. I have seen this guy before, but I just can't remember from where or what his name is. I certainly wouldn't mind being rescued by this guy. I just think he's cute. Just something about him draws me in. Oh I think I know where I've seen him before. He did a video for Manavenue (who you don't hear much of anymore) and he went by the name ricky. Knew it would come to me.
I do miss Cole Tucker. He was one of the few guys that was very verbal and did a good job of drawing a person in. Now he did seem to enjoy the kink. I remember a video where he pissed in a cup and drank it, and in that same video tied a boot to his balls. Plus you can tell by the guy next to him he can get into some crazy things. Just a classic shot of him though.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
I love this first video. It's a vintage colt clip called Magic of Power. I know weird title. It stars Frank vickers and Neal shaw. It's a very erotic clip. A lot of touching and muscle worship. It was the first scene of a movie called Triple Threat which I own. I have a hard time making it past this scene. If you like good classic erotic scenes you'll love this one. Next up is Flex big muscle. This is one of the few full clips of him you can find out there. In this one he's in a white tank top and briefs. He then does a few poses in his declined position and starts jacking off. Kinda your standard jack off scene. Third up is Tea Time leading to fuck time. The guys in this scene are hot. Well put together and very into each other. It's a flip flop scene as well. Tons of cum as well. Next we have two guys fucking in the Kitchen. One of those well obviously they are going to fuck scenes. Doesn't make it less hot though. Then it's two blondes in the park. I don't know the name of the bottom in this scene, but I do know the guy is in a lot of scenes and always shoots a huge load. I really posted the scene just for him. I think he's hot. The top is not really my cup of tea. Lastly is the 2nd scene from the movie Nasty Men. By far one of the best scenes of the entire movie. You have 5 bodybuilder types all fucking. A lot of sweating, grunting, and pounding. It's hard to not find this scene super hot. When I got the movie I only wanted it for this scene and this scene alone. It's one of the only times you ever saw Dave Stone fuck.
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Fair Warning
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012
First up is a guy oiling up and jacking off. The very nice thing about oil is that it does make things pop. Also can look like the guy is sweating from a hard days work or workout. Next up is a threesome in a dorm. Sadly this wasn't me in college. I was barely lucky enough to find a guy to fuck me let alone 2. Then again if I had any 2 of these guys in my room I'd pop before I could really do anything. Third up is a hairy cop nailed on his desk. I seriously could never be a cop because this is what I'd want to be happening all the time. I'd never get any work done. Just popping boners hoping another cop would fuck me on my desk like this. Next up is Damien Ford fucking. I believe it's a scene from the movie Lost on Sex Island. The thing about Damien was he was an amazing top. He had the dick, body, and stamina. You know if he was in the movie the bottom was in for a workout. This one is really no different. I can't help but love this scene. It has Vinnie D'Angelo in it. The dude is so hot. Then pair him up with another muscle bear. This scene is just hot everywhere. He can jog in my neck of the woods anytime. And boy can that guy take charge. Lasty is a guy working out. This is more for those guys that like to watch a guy workout before he jacks off or get's blown. In theory it's suppose to get the testosterone flowing for a better cumshot.
Two gay boys do some hot anal fucking
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Sexy Straight Built Stud brought to you by PornHub
Two gay boys do some hot anal fucking
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Sexy Straight Built Stud brought to you by PornHub
Better morning
So this morning I was talking to Seth (the guy I went out on a date with). He likes twilight and I made fun of it and he called me on it and I felt bad so we talked on gay.com im. After apologizing and talking it out we went right back to how we normally are. And we just had some good conversations. You see on Saturday we found out that we are both tops. He did say he was curious what it was like to bottom. From there we dry humped the hell out of each other. Well the reason why this is important is because he brought it up again and I said I would be honored if I was the guy that got to top you for the first time, but no pressure. I want to take this slow so because I like you Seth. He then said that's good to know because I like you too. Which got me to respond back saying well that's really good for me to hear and makes me even more determined to show him that I'm a good match. I got an aww from that. A 2nd date so needs to happen. He even signed off by calling me sexy. He's never done that. So here's hoping we are on the right track. As much as I would love to just hop into bed with him and be called his boyfriend, I know it doesn't work like that. We have to keep talking and keep dating. Hopefully after about a month of dating we will feel comfortable saying we are in a relationship. Plus I know that means I have to meet his family that's in town. It's such a different feel than the other guy. Despite all that we talked about and shared he couldn't date me because I look too young. Even though he saw a photo of me. Then I started to see that him not wanting to date me wasn't a bad thing. The guy is so negative and drinks so much that there is no way that I would have been happy. When we were on our date he drank some wine. That was fine. Then when we im he has been drinking for awhile and he gets so negative. Last night he just brought me down. Really not regretting his decision now. Think he is though.
You have to admire a flexible guy. Not a lot of guys can do this. I know I can spread my legs, but I can't be in a position like this for any length of time. Let alone getting fucked like that, but it is a tops dream. I mean that's fucking easy access right there. Sometimes it can be a chore to find the hole depending on how the guy is positions. There is no way you can miss the mark with this guy.
I'd take this guy home in a heart beat. I know that some guys wouldn't because he doesn't have the biggest dick in the world, but that doesn't matter to me. I'd be happy to just kiss him while I worshiped his body. I mean when you are with a muscle daddy sex isn't just about sticking a pin in the hole. There is going to be a lot that is involved and you know it.
This is JT a.k.a. pecpig on xtube. He is a guy that loves to have his nips played with. A lot of his videos focus on his pecs and nips. Sadly he doesn't just have a video where it plays in a linear fashion from start to finish. I'd love to see him do a standard jack off film. Maybe one day he will.
I swear every now and again I see a photo that makes it obvious that Alexsander Frietas competed in bodybuilding competitions. This is one of those photos. He's completely hairless (minus the hair on his head) with insane definition. Also the way he does certain poses just looks so professional and polished. Wonder what he's up to right now. He doesn't tweet nearly as much as he use to.

Monday, March 19, 2012
Today's first video is also the pick. I must say this is exactly why I want a home gym. Well that and a boyfriend to be around while I'm using the home gym. I have no clue what is up with the beginning of this clip though. Once you get past it, it's much better. Just a bit of stair climbing and then it all starts. The workout goes from climbing stairs to riding dick. This is basically my fantasy fuck. Next is Patrick Ives in having a threesome in the barn. Country boys going at it. Another one of my favorite fantasies. Third up we get to see what's behind door number 1. Behind door number 1. Basically that's just how the scene starts. Two guys open the door to find two guys going at it. They close the door, but luckily we get to see it keep going. Must say it would be hard to just close the door on that. Next is a scene from the movie Anal Obsession. The top in this scene has a pretty nice dick. And a lot of time is spent giving it oral pleasure. Then comes pounding time. Then it's two country bears. This is very much a classic bear scene. A lot of just animal passion. A lot of woofs and load grunting. Last up is two guys by the pool. Luckily there isn't the under water fucking in this one. I just don't like that. Think it's hotter to fuck on land or above the water than under it.
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Polar opposites
This weekend started off great, but sure did end crappy. I had a date on Saturday and it went so well. He is so nice and funny and cute. He's a big kid just like me. We just hit off so well. We truly lost track of time while we were talking. I learned a lot about him and he learned a lot about me. And the big thing is that he does want to be a dad some day which honestly is a big plus for me. We had dinner at his place then watched The Astonishing X-Men. After that we talked a bit more and I kissed him. And we kissed some more. And then we totally made out. The funny thing is we both wanted to keep it PG and we kinda did. We did basically make out and dry hump. And from how much moaning and groaning we did there is no doubt we would have shot in our pants if we kept going. Then came Sunday. My ex just ripped into me the entire day. Just one right after another. Do I know it's probably because of his up coming divorce. Yeah I do. Do I know it's because he had a stressful first week at his new job of course. Do I know it's because he was hoping that we'd get back together ya. Does it hurt any less? Nope. Does it lower my self esteem even more? Oh hell yes. Does it make me want to cry every time I think about what he said? Yep. The thing about me is that if some random person said that to me it would hurt, but I'd be more pissed that someone would go out of their way to make me feel bad. When it comes from someone that close to me it takes awhile for me to pull the knife out. Takes even longer to heal from it. Also takes even longer to start rebuilding the wall and whenever I do it's only made of straw. So It's just going to be a rough go for me. He apologized today, but the damage is done and it jut makes it hard to look at him and not want to break down right then and there. The odd thing is that he wondered why I wasn't saying anything and I simply said I'm hurt and anything I'd say would be out of hurt and wouldn't accomplish anything. Yet that's exactly what he did and kept doing. So my Monday isn't doing all that great. Even with the guy texting me this morning.
This is Cal "Speedy" Reynolds. Least if I remember the name right. Speedy was a nickname he used on his website. I'm assuming it was a good nickname given to him not a bad one. He only did a few flicks for Mustang studios then got out of the game. He is such a stud. Shame he didn't stay in longer, but at least we do have some videos of him that will live on.
Now that is a daddy bear. I mean there is nothing I don't like about this guy. Physically he would be the perfect guy for me. And if he's as sweet as he looks I'd be in trouble. I'd be bent over before I knew it and begging for more. I just like big guys. And if we ever went to the gym together I'd be boned up the entire time.
Saw this on lolsnaps and just had to share it. The thing I wonder is what the person that labeled it is calling the fail. Is it a fail on the guy trying to drink or the guy that popped the cork? You got to admit it does look like there is an O face going on.
When I saw this photo it reminded me of the guy I went out with on Saturday. When I started rubbing his dick and rubbing up against him he was so in ecstasy. Was just lost in the moment like this guy. Would love to see and hear what he does when I actually suck that dick of his. Guys that get so into what's going on are a real turn on for me. It let's you know that they really respond to what you do.

Friday, March 16, 2012
First up is a bareback threesome. This scene has no real plot to it. Guys just kinda appear and fuck and suck. If you like just flat otu sex then you'll love this scene. Plus it has jocks as well. Then we have a Peter Axel double features. In the first one Peter Axel fucks Christian Volt. I believe this scene comes from Muscle Bear Trap. I really wanted this scene because it was only of the very few scenes with Peter Axel at the time. He is one solid muscle bear with one solid cock and knows how to use it. Plus the guy looks hot in a jock. The 2nd video is Peter with his boyfriend Greg fucking yet another third guy. I do love watching the two. They have such a good dynamic. In this one pretty much everyone gets fucked and everyone tops. Basically a true blue threesome. There isn't this jack off while the other two fuck. All three get involved in one way or another. Totally worth the watch. Fourth up is Aiden triple load four. Aiden is truly a unique guy. He's straight, yet he really loves to get fucked. So much that he can cum 3 times in a row if the right guy fucks him. Yet he is straight. Guess if you hit that spot doesn't matter if you like pussy or dick. It's just pure pleasure. Sure has gotten really good at taking dick though. I truly think some of the best sex on camera is when you have real couples fucking. The reason being is they know their partner better than most. There is a way they move and talk that is just hot. You can't just make up that chemistry. This is Robert and Chris (believe that's correct). It's from on of the first Real Couple videos that Hot Older Men put out. It's easy to see why these two are a couple. I've seen their interview and it's very interesting. Plus you get to see the Daddy destroyer in action. Watch it to get the reference. Lastly is getting to play with the general. This is a movie in english with spanish subtitles. There is obviously a story here and I don't know it. All that matters is that the general is naked "showering" and likes the other guys culo. Again watch the video to get the refrence.
Hot gay threesome hardcore fuck on bed
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Hot gay threesome hardcore fuck on bed
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Christian Volt,
Greg York,
Peter Axel,
Such a long week
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012
First up is a card foursome. Really it's more of four guys that split off into two duos. The scene kinda jumps right into it. You figure out that they were playing cards when they switch to the other duo. So just when you think it's over wham more fucking action. Next is one of the few scenes Derek Steele did. He was the big muscle daddy that was very popular then he just disappeared. Don't know what happened to him, but I think he only did 2 other scenes besides this and a show for Jimmy Z. Would love to be with a daddy like this though. Third up are some solo scenes with different Daddies. It's from a movie that was devoted to solos with different older guys. Can't remember the name so there is probably a scene in there with a guy you like. If you like older hairy guys. Today's pick is a vintage scene with Tom Leduc. It's called Muscle Up. It's from Fox Studio. I saw it in a movie entitled (shocker) Muscle Up. I loved watching this scene because this was some of my first exposure to scenes with multiple cumshots. Plus I loved the way they worshipped each other's body. Just wish there wasn't such cheesy music. Then it's a scene with two guys after a blackout. It last for like 3 seconds then they are all over each other. Then again is there really much to do when you have a blackout? Why stop just because the lights come on. Lastly is Paul Carrigan fucking. It's the final scene from a movie where he's a "professor" studying cases of guys liking big cocks. The thing is that he says he himself likes big cocks, but his partner isn't exactly super hung. I guess that's why Paul ends up fucking him instead of the other way around.
Nasty gay bears sizzling foursome fuck
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Nasty gay bears sizzling foursome fuck
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Derek Steele,
Paul Carrigan,
Tom LeDuc,
Got my refund
My tax refund from both the federal government and the state government came in yesterday. I had the federal one awhile ago. Anyway now that I have both I can pay for my plane tickets plus I can finally get the sex toy I want. I've established I do want something I can fuck along with something I can ride. There are two I'm trying to decide between. It really depends on how much I get off or how much shipping is. There is the Ride N' Fuck from Fort Troff and the Adam Male Ass Stroker with Erect Cock from tla. As you can see there isn't really much difference between them. I will say the nice thing about Fort Troff is they have demos and I believe you get a dvd with the demo on it, but my ex has ordered from TLA and says you get a coupon for 20% off your first order. I'll also have to set aside some money for some water based lube. I normally use silicone based because I find it doesn't dry as fast so you can get more out of it without having to add more. Apparently this toy requires water based lube to keep it in tact. Which explains why my old fleshlight started to come apart. That and I didn't clean it like I was suppose to. So I'm all excited about it though. It's a good way to easy back into bottoming when I'm ready.
I am not a fan of guys that jack off with shirts on. It's just this pet peeve of mine. That being said it is a good thing this guy was wearing black. Most guys that fuck or jack off in a shirt wear black. It does make the cum stand out more. Plus this one is hands free. It is always hot to see a guy cumming without his hand on his dick. Granted not a lot of cumshots are truly hands free. Usually the guy jacks off with his hand then let's go as he cums, but for the few guys that can cum without any assistance are truly legendary.
Again robes are a weak point for me. Especially this guy. You can just here him now. Come help daddy with his morning issue. And he has such an amazing body too. And that is quite the dick. I think it would be fun to ride that while he had his robe on. Then again he'd probably sweat right through it. Man I need a boyfriend.
Recently there was a college wrestling tournament in my town. Sadly I didn't get to see it because I didn't pay to get tickets. I was hoping at least one would come in just to look at the store, but we are so far away from the hotels and the arena that it was taking place in that it didn't happen. Once again I wonder why everyone says true wrestling his homoerotic. I mean in every sport guys are usually this close and from time to time cop a feel.
Must say the only thing I truly notice about this photo is this guy's ass. That is just an ass you'd love to play with. I have so many dirty thoughts going through my head about it. Such a great ass.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
First up is a very personal interview. Another porn cliche is being interviewed for a position and the best way to get the job is to fuck or get fucked. This one is no different. Both guys take turns topping the other. If that's all it takes to get a job then I should have so many places knocking down my door. The next video is of Wayne from smoking hunks getting pulled over by a cop. It looks like this was a movie from before he started Smoking Hunks. Now it does have smoking, but just doesn't feel like one of the movies he puts out. Anyway the cop pulls him over and takes him to jail where he has his way with him. Nothing super bondage like, but it is a bit of a master slave type role play. I skipped right to the fucking since I watched this when I was very horny and didn't have the patients to watch the whole thing. No matter how many times I see this scene I love it. I think because I personally would love to fuck Mike Radcliffe. Plus fucking or getting fucked by a coach was one of my number 1 fantasies in high school. I mean the guy is so fucking built. Think it's more believable to see him as a wrestling or football coach than basketball. This next scene comes from the movie Passio. It came out shortly after Passion of the Christ and as you can imagine was quite "controversial". I quote that because it's porn to begin with so who was up in arms about it. This is one of my favorite scenes from it. Two hairy tattooed muscle bears going at it hot and heavy. Can't help, but love it. Then Joe Romero fucks warden Eric Evans. You do have to appreciate the flip script here. Typically the person in power is the one that does the fucking. In this case it works because Eric Evans does a great job bottoming. Plus I love seeing a big hunk like that get pounded. Last is Otto from fratmen. This one seemed to do less with the interview than other ones which was nice. Otto is pretty hot to watch.
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Bear Cage - Scene 3 - Pacific Sun Entertainment brought to you by PornHub
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Bear Cage - Scene 3 - Pacific Sun Entertainment brought to you by PornHub
Eric Evans,
Joe Romero,
Mike Radcliffe,
New schedule
I got promoted last week so my schedule is a lot different than it use to be. I can't post at my normal time because that's when my boss is going to be coming in. Plus I have a lot more to do in the mornings than in the afternoon. So until I get the hang of it my blog posts will be hits and misses. I'll do my best to post. This is where it would be a good idea to follow the blog or at least me on twitter. That way you'll know if I get to it or not. The other annoying thing is I now have to find new times to see guys. My ex is still getting home at the same time, and he doesn't know that from time to time I shag a guy. Plus dating is now that much harder. Did meet a nice guy on gay.com. We'll see where that goes. Not holding my breath.
Got to love the human imagination. One of the things I like about undressing a guy is when I get him tenting. The shirt is off, we've been kissing, and now the pants are off. He's just left in his underwear where his bulge is impossible to not notice. That's what this photo reminds me of. You want to know what the dick looks like so you form so many different images in your head. Actually seeing it is usually better.
This image caught my eye for a somewhat obvious reason. I saw Texas written across his chest so it got me thinking of what he sounds like. Growing up in Texas I gained an affinity for country boys. Southern accents do it for me. I think it's just the idea of seducing a guy that I couldn't have seduced while in Texas.
No two cocks are the same, but this guy has a similar curve to Butch a guy I hook up with. I've seen quite a few guys with this downward bend and I always wonder how did that happen? Was it just how they wore their under wear or was it from trying to fuck themselves? I also wonder how does it feel to get fucked by that? I mean the dick is use to bending down. Would that be pleasure or pain depending on the position. I've never been fucked by one like that so I'm just curious.
I'd so love to fall asleep on top of that man. Specifically on his chest. My head just naturally finds a guys chest and rests there. My ex hated when I did that. Plus if I fell asleep on top of him he'd most likely hold me which is the best way to make me pop a boner. I love being held by a strong pair of arms.

Friday, March 9, 2012
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Eric Evans,
Parker Williams,
Tyler Reed,
Little health advice
I was looking at my blog list and one of the blogs I follow and it had a picture of an older guy in good shape. Basically saying we can look like that at any age. Now that's kinda a stretch, but it is a whole lot easier if your testosterone levels stay high. So how do you do that naturally? Well, working at a nutrition store I know a few simple ways to do that.
1. Stay active. Staying active is the easiest way to keep your testosterone levels high. If you are active you keep fat deposits low. Areas of heavy fat (specifically belly fat) are places where the body produces estrogen. The body likes to keep a ratio of testosterone and estrogen. As the estrogen goes up the testosterone goes down.
2. Have sex and/or masturbate often. This is actually good not just for testosterone, but also your prostate. By having the testicles constantly producing more and more sperm to meet the demand it keeps your testosterone high. It also cleans out the pluming to keep things clear so there is no blockage that can cause and enlarged prostate. Show me a 70 year old that gets it often and I'll show you a guy with little to no prostate problems.
3. Stay away from Alcohol, Tobacco, Cocaine, and Pot. All those things have been shown to lower testosterone. Most guys can avoid those last two, but don't avoid the first. If you didn't have a reason to avoid them before you sure do now.
4. Stay away from steroids. This one seems obvious, but it's true. Steroids give the body what it needs right then and there. There is no need for the body to produce it. So once you stop you got nothing to go back to. Everything is all shriveled up. You are stuck getting hormone replacement therapy which is basically like taking steroids again. So you see how it's an endless loop.
5. Don't be afraid of meat. Meat has a lot of the dietary fats that are a precursor to testosterone. Vegetarians can have about 18% less testosterone than meat eaters. Draw your own conclusions about that one.
6. Do your research. If you think your test levels are lowered or you know they have been lowered then look up natural ways to increase it. Do not be suckered into something on the web. Bulgarian Tribulus, ZMA, Zinc, and Fenugreek are just a few things that have been shown raise test levels. Do not get DHEA unless your levels have been tested and are low. In guys DHEA can become testosterone, but usually it likes to convert to estrogen and can cause more problems.
Those are just a few things to keep your test levels up making it easier to build muscle and burn fat.
These four guys were in a scene from a Kristen Bjorn movie called Jungle Heat. This is by far the hottest scene of the movie if you ask me. Just so much dick and fucking and blowing. There was no lack of action in this scene.
I'm a simple romantic (least I claim to be). I'd love to have a guy to eat breakfast with naked. That's why I like this image. It's such a simple thing, but to me I'd love it if it was happening to me. Means I was with a guy that I felt super comfortable with. He has no problem being naked with me and I have no problem being naked with me. Plus he wouldn't be able to hide his excitement.
Casey Williams is such a hottie and he's aged so well. He's kept quite a lot of his muscle mass. I'd say he's acted perfectly into a muscle daddy. He's lost that shaved looked and become a bit shaggy and furry. Looks so good on him.
I must say...WOW. I love the tease aspect of this. You know exactly what this guy wants, but you so want him to spell it out for you. This is why I kinda get into leather. I like a level of domination in bed. I love when a guy takes control. Even if I was to top him. So very hot.
1. Stay active. Staying active is the easiest way to keep your testosterone levels high. If you are active you keep fat deposits low. Areas of heavy fat (specifically belly fat) are places where the body produces estrogen. The body likes to keep a ratio of testosterone and estrogen. As the estrogen goes up the testosterone goes down.
2. Have sex and/or masturbate often. This is actually good not just for testosterone, but also your prostate. By having the testicles constantly producing more and more sperm to meet the demand it keeps your testosterone high. It also cleans out the pluming to keep things clear so there is no blockage that can cause and enlarged prostate. Show me a 70 year old that gets it often and I'll show you a guy with little to no prostate problems.
3. Stay away from Alcohol, Tobacco, Cocaine, and Pot. All those things have been shown to lower testosterone. Most guys can avoid those last two, but don't avoid the first. If you didn't have a reason to avoid them before you sure do now.
4. Stay away from steroids. This one seems obvious, but it's true. Steroids give the body what it needs right then and there. There is no need for the body to produce it. So once you stop you got nothing to go back to. Everything is all shriveled up. You are stuck getting hormone replacement therapy which is basically like taking steroids again. So you see how it's an endless loop.
5. Don't be afraid of meat. Meat has a lot of the dietary fats that are a precursor to testosterone. Vegetarians can have about 18% less testosterone than meat eaters. Draw your own conclusions about that one.
6. Do your research. If you think your test levels are lowered or you know they have been lowered then look up natural ways to increase it. Do not be suckered into something on the web. Bulgarian Tribulus, ZMA, Zinc, and Fenugreek are just a few things that have been shown raise test levels. Do not get DHEA unless your levels have been tested and are low. In guys DHEA can become testosterone, but usually it likes to convert to estrogen and can cause more problems.
Those are just a few things to keep your test levels up making it easier to build muscle and burn fat.

Thursday, March 8, 2012
First up is Police Daddy Marco. It's a full movie made up of two scenes. The first is a pool boy jacking then joined by Marco who is then joined by another guy. The scene is mostly oral and jacking, but towards the end there is a bit of fucking that goes on. The second scene is much better in my opinion. It's just a duo scene, but the Marco and the other guy go at it so hard and passionately that it is just hot. It's just oral and jacking, but a lot of nip play and kissing and it's just fucking hot. Next up are three guys fucking in the pool. Normally I hate scenes like this. I don't like guys fucking in the water. It annoys me, but I let it slide with these guys because they are so hot. Even though the sound of the waterfall is pretty annoying. After fucking around the pool for awhile (pun intended) they go to the bed. That's when things really heat up. For sure the best of the day. Third up is a Str8 Jeff mash up. It's different scenes from Str8 Jeff's webcam. There is a lot of cum in this 22 minute clip. Next we have a guy jacking off in wrestling singlet. I love wrestling singlets. It's just hot to see a body packed into one. Then to have a guy jack off in one. Soooo hot. And he has a pretty good body as well. Then Abomb jacks off. Least I think that's the name of this guy. This one isn't my cup of tea, but for those of you that like watching big bodybuilders jacking off you'll enjoy this clip. Last up is Luiz and Loco. Latin guys fucking. Need I say more?
<--- pick
Tatted Raw Sex brought to you by PornHub
<--- pick
Tatted Raw Sex brought to you by PornHub
Daddy Marco,
Full Movie,
Jack Off,
Str8 Jeff,
Spent a few calories
Today was my big hook up with Butch. Boy did I need that. It was nice to take my frustration and raw sexual energy and put it into something. Yes pun was intended. Butch certainly had no problem with it. Plus we finally found a way for him to ride my dick and ride it he did. He really liked doing that. And so did I obviously. Never shot so much before. He shot a good size load too. Man do I miss guy on guy action. Sadly it's going to be harder to hook up with Butch because my hours are changing at the store so now if I get off it will be in the afternoon not the morning. Which isn't such a bad thing with it getting lighter and lighter out, but come fall it will be a pain. That is also assuming I don't have a boyfriend by then.
Here's a picture of Alexsander Frietas. I haven't seen him in anything recently which is a shame. Doesn't seem like he's tweeted much either. Seemed like every time I turned around he was tweeting something. Must be busy. Anyway I envy the guy. He is a mixed of two of the sexiest cultures (Brazilian and Italian) and was a bodybuilder. He's actually kept a lot of his build. If only I could tie that man down.
Must say the steamy look is hot and everything, but the way this guy is looking is kinda creepy. You can only see the whites of his eyes. If you cut it off at the head it's really hot. Like a guy that just got out of the shower or is all oiled up. Such a good looking body.
Some of my furthest and best cum shots have been from when guys have jacked me. Now there is an art to jacking another man off. No two guys jack off the same. Now at my age it's almost impossible to screw jacking me off. Other guys you can. Some like an over hand approach while others like their dick jacked more to one side. Some like it dry and others love it lubed. If you can get it just right you can get a great cumshot from a guy. Think it has to do with them no longer being in control of their own orgasm.
I can never remember this guy's porn name. I believe it's Spike Daddy or is it Daddy Spike. One get's you this guy and the other gets you another older guy. Anyway I find him hot. Just the body and the attitude he has always turned me on. Certainly wouldn't have minded if he was my first time with a guy.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Easy to forget
I was on grindr today (where I'm suddenly very popular) and a guy started talking to me. We were chatting and kinda out of the blue he says I'm deaf. Now this happened as I was trying complete my thought. Once I did I was typing a response and we got started on another topic then again he brings it up. This time I addressed it. Then I said something about how he's funny and he says funny and deaf. So I can't help but wonder why does this guy keep pointing out that he's deaf. Then it hit me. He probably gets a lot of guys that will just not talk to him when they find out he's deaf. The annoying thing is that he hasn't said anything to me since this morning. Well anyway it got me thinking. You don't hear about many deaf gay individuals. Actually you don't hear about many gay people that are too far outside the "normal". Makes it easy to forget that not all of us have two arms, two working legs, sight, or hearing. Once of those things that's easy to take for granted. Now we will see if he wants to talk to me later today or tomorrow. I have no problem talking to him. He's funny and cute, but I also got this weird feeling that he's actually not who he says he is. It happened as I was driving to work so we'll see what happens.
If I was jogging in the park and a guy did this to me I'd stop in my tracks. It has to do with the look. That look of come get some of this beef. I'm a simple man with simple urges. Doesn't take much to get my attention.
The thing I miss most about not being in a couple is not the sex (although that's nice) it's the kissing. When I see this image I just get so jealous that the two are kissing. If I never had sex (heaven forbid) I could live in the relationship if we always passionately kissed. As I've said before my ex sucked at it. He always had his mouth open and seemed to always envelope my nose. The tongue had no idea what it was doing. This one right here is just what I love. The kind where you are not sure if tongue was slipped in or not.
This is by far my favorite position in porn. It just looks hot from any angle to me. Now granted I'd never watch this video because it does take place on a bus. A bus that is moving and people could see into. I really do have a problem with sex in public places even in porn.
This guy is Dan Steel or Dan Steele or Dan Stone or one of the many other aliases he's used. He's got quite a collection of straight stuff out there. This is from a playgirl shoot. Apparently the one that lead to his discovery. Personally I do think Dan is hot until he opens up his mouth. He has WAY too much attitude. Which makes me wonder if the Dan around this area was a bit more down to earth before he got so heavy into bodybuilding.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
First up is a cop solo. For those of you that like smoking as well as jacking off you'll like this clip. IN it the officer strips while jacking his dick and smoking a cigar. Got to admit this company loved their formula for making a scene. Next up is Anthony Gallo and his boy. In this Anthony plays a master playing with his slave. Pretty sure he doesn't have to try hard to get a guy to do what he wants. Third up is Eric Evans and Brent Baines. This was one of the first scenes I ever saw of the two in my early days of porn. This was also back when they were still a couple. Another scene that is very special to me. Never get tired of watching it that's for sure. Then Dillon Press gets fucked by Jake Mitchell. This is the final scene from Big Rig Bears. Jake was recently fired, but has been following Dillon (the boss) around all day. Must say I didn't see Dillon getting topped coming. Next is some guys having a beard. To get you caught up to speed so you can skip it, they are not a couple. The top is the boyfriend of the other guy's best friend. And the end they get caught. The sex is really what is worth watching....obviously. Last up is some Football jocks. You could see it coming. They were at each others throats for awhile. Starts off with having to pee, then jacking each other, then full blown fucking. If only that's how it worked in real life.
Super hot muscle police officer shows his gay cock <--- pick
Super hot muscle police officer shows his gay cock <--- pick
1000th post
Hard to believe this is my 1000th post. Then again when you post about 2 times a day it was bound to happen sooner or later. Today I'm feeling much better. Kinda ready to go out there and try once more. I just joined gaydar.net and doesn't seem like there is too much going on there. Then again I tried it when I was back in Texas and it didn't look like many people used it. So I imagine there aren't too many small towners using it. I've also decided to try gay.com again. I've been trying to avoid it because it seems like it's just hook ups. Then on top of that the last time I was on gay.com I met a guy who shopped the store and that didn't end well so I'm trying to avoid it. I guess I need to also get an updated photo. I don't take many photos so you can imagine that I have a limited selection to use. I'll be signing up for that next week. Kinda just using what I already got at my disposal right now. For me gay.com is a last resort. It might be the answer, but I just don't want to use it. Least not yet. I also decided to just hook up with Butch for all my guy on guy needs in the mean time. We are fuck buddies after all. Emphasis on the buddy part. We have an understanding going. He can see other guys if he wants. I think he thought he had to be exclusive with me which made me feel bad. We aren't a couple so he can be with other guys if he so chooses. We also agreed that once I find a guy our sexual adventures will be over unless the guy wants a threesome. So there you go. We are actually meeting up Thursday morning. Yay.
This is Steve majors. Yeah the choice in attire is a bit ironic. He was oen of those guys that had a pelt that I just loved. Don't know if he shaved his arms so the only hair was on the forearms, or if that's just how his body works. I always like the chest and belly fur. It's just so much fun to play with for sure.
Butch is a lot taller than me so he can't ride my dick like I'd love for him to do. So I came across this photo and said hey this could work. Because of the layout of his room it very well could be done. I'd like to watch his expression as he was doing it, but that's the problem with a 5' 6" guy fucking a 6' 4" guy.
I kinda remember this scene with Anthony DeAngelo and Cameron Cruise. It was a threesome they did with some lucky third guy early in their career. When they use to do condom flicks. Man I envy that couple.

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