Today was my big hook up with Butch. Boy did I need that. It was nice to take my frustration and raw sexual energy and put it into something. Yes pun was intended. Butch certainly had no problem with it. Plus we finally found a way for him to ride my dick and ride it he did. He really liked doing that. And so did I obviously. Never shot so much before. He shot a good size load too. Man do I miss guy on guy action. Sadly it's going to be harder to hook up with Butch because my hours are changing at the store so now if I get off it will be in the afternoon not the morning. Which isn't such a bad thing with it getting lighter and lighter out, but come fall it will be a pain. That is also assuming I don't have a boyfriend by then.

Here's a picture of Alexsander Frietas. I haven't seen him in anything recently which is a shame. Doesn't seem like he's tweeted much either. Seemed like every time I turned around he was tweeting something. Must be busy. Anyway I envy the guy. He is a mixed of two of the sexiest cultures (Brazilian and Italian) and was a bodybuilder. He's actually kept a lot of his build. If only I could tie that man down.

Must say the steamy look is hot and everything, but the way this guy is looking is kinda creepy. You can only see the whites of his eyes. If you cut it off at the head it's really hot. Like a guy that just got out of the shower or is all oiled up. Such a good looking body.

Some of my furthest and best cum shots have been from when guys have jacked me. Now there is an art to jacking another man off. No two guys jack off the same. Now at my age it's almost impossible to screw jacking me off. Other guys you can. Some like an over hand approach while others like their dick jacked more to one side. Some like it dry and others love it lubed. If you can get it just right you can get a great cumshot from a guy. Think it has to do with them no longer being in control of their own orgasm.

I can never remember this guy's porn name. I believe it's Spike Daddy or is it Daddy Spike. One get's you this guy and the other gets you another older guy. Anyway I find him hot. Just the body and the attitude he has always turned me on. Certainly wouldn't have minded if he was my first time with a guy.
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