I was talking to my ex today and he said I seemed to be in a better mood lately. I figured it must be the weather (it's been very warm for Wisconsin, plus we didn't get hit with a ton of snow like further north). Or that I was no longer worrying about John. Maybe it is because I was asked out. I didn't tell him that. He just found out today. Hasn't said to much about it. And it's not just me that's in a better mood. Brock has also been in a good mood. He was in the store the other day and he was just so much happier. I think the main reason is because he's finally stopped letting his son get to him and is letting him fall flat on his face. Anyway he bought a testosterone booster from me and has been ranting and raving about what a good mood he's been in. Scott is madly in love with his new guy so he's been on cloud 9. Even my ex has been in a good mood. So I'm thinking all that has translated into me being in a good mood myself. Well hope it continues because it's nice to feel good for once.

I was on Roids N Rants and I saw this picture under the headline Roman Ragazzi 1974-2012. I read the comments to find out that he died last weekend of an apparent suicide. And sadly this has a ring of truth since someone who knew him posted a comment saying that he heard the news. From what I heard he left porn on good terms and had a good job as a personal trainer. Just makes you wonder who horrors and emotions were going through his head. I've been there. It's like you feel no way out, but death. If he just had someone to go to he would still be here today on the road to recovery and living a normal life. Depression is no joke guys. It can affect anyone. You never know where someone is emotional. Treat each other with respect.

If I saw this guy on the side of the road I'd pick him up. Ok I may not, but I'd sure be staring and thinking about it. Supposedly if you hitchhike there is a good chance you will have to put out. He's just making it easy.

Love the picture, but hate the phone. Seriously guys if you are going to take photos please get a masculine colored cover. Everything else about this photo is just fine. Nice hard dick. A guy with an innocent face, but a body for sin.

I know Tony Maxim isn't everyone's favorite. Some say he needs to cut down more or is too big, blah blah blah. Personally I like Tony the way he is. He just seems to have a good personality. Therefore I wouldn't change a thing. If he's happy the way he looks then more power to him. He doesn't need a bunch of us telling him how he should look. Now granted if you are doing bodybuilding then that's specifically what they get told to do, but on the net we shouldn't. I'm drawn to people with good personalities and I think Tony has one. From what I've heard and seen.
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