1. Stay active. Staying active is the easiest way to keep your testosterone levels high. If you are active you keep fat deposits low. Areas of heavy fat (specifically belly fat) are places where the body produces estrogen. The body likes to keep a ratio of testosterone and estrogen. As the estrogen goes up the testosterone goes down.
2. Have sex and/or masturbate often. This is actually good not just for testosterone, but also your prostate. By having the testicles constantly producing more and more sperm to meet the demand it keeps your testosterone high. It also cleans out the pluming to keep things clear so there is no blockage that can cause and enlarged prostate. Show me a 70 year old that gets it often and I'll show you a guy with little to no prostate problems.
3. Stay away from Alcohol, Tobacco, Cocaine, and Pot. All those things have been shown to lower testosterone. Most guys can avoid those last two, but don't avoid the first. If you didn't have a reason to avoid them before you sure do now.
4. Stay away from steroids. This one seems obvious, but it's true. Steroids give the body what it needs right then and there. There is no need for the body to produce it. So once you stop you got nothing to go back to. Everything is all shriveled up. You are stuck getting hormone replacement therapy which is basically like taking steroids again. So you see how it's an endless loop.
5. Don't be afraid of meat. Meat has a lot of the dietary fats that are a precursor to testosterone. Vegetarians can have about 18% less testosterone than meat eaters. Draw your own conclusions about that one.
6. Do your research. If you think your test levels are lowered or you know they have been lowered then look up natural ways to increase it. Do not be suckered into something on the web. Bulgarian Tribulus, ZMA, Zinc, and Fenugreek are just a few things that have been shown raise test levels. Do not get DHEA unless your levels have been tested and are low. In guys DHEA can become testosterone, but usually it likes to convert to estrogen and can cause more problems.
Those are just a few things to keep your test levels up making it easier to build muscle and burn fat.

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