Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hump day

It certainly feels like that. Just another day with nothing really going on. I'd love to have something for you guys, but I really don't. Just the same ole same ole going on. The exes have been quiet and Ted is fine. I'm just getting through one day after another. Nothing has really gotten me all riled up so I can't spend a post on something. Just feeling like my muse is gone on holiday.
 What a sexy Santa. I guess this is what Santa looked like back in the day.
 I'm sure we've often wondered what Santa does during the summer. Well I think that question has been answered. And he's really been hitting the gym.
 Must say his present isn't hidden very well....and not like I have a problem with that. Every year Muscle Hunks does something christmas related. Wonder what it will be this time.
I forgot how I found this, but I'm so glad I did. I think a friend of mine sent it to me. Need I say more?

1 comment:

  1. i like this
    dear santa i want to fuck with you!
