Well it was called a drag show. It was probably a little more watered down than a normal drag show. I guess I'll back up. Friday Ted heard that their was a pride fest going on in our town. He heard it from his co-worker who's son was going. Well Ted looked it up on Saturday (because he forgot to ask for more info after work) and saw there was a picnic going on. He went to that and that's when he was invited to a drag show. He then asked if me and Buck might want to go. I said sure let me ask him. Buck agreed and actually said he hadn't been to a drag show in like 4 years. Which really shocked me. That man has done way more than I have sometimes. Anyway so it was in a theater which we all thought was weird. We figured it would be in a bar. Well it was in a building that housed a bar. It wasn't a bar all by itself. The reason being is that it was part of Pride Fest so they made the show a bit more watered down so minors could go if they wanted to. And they did. It was overall a good time. Will say that the lesbians near the front sure were loud. There was one dance that had some scantily clad women dancing around and this one woman would just not let us live down that one of the girls had a fantastic ass. Even ruined one of the hosts jokes. She just wouldn't stop talking. This was also my first real interaction with lesbians. My elementary school gym teacher was one, but she was a teacher so I didn't see that side until I was older and even then didn't see anything. I know not all lesbians are like this, just like not all gay males act the same way. What I did see would put a lot of guys to shame. I mean there were women who openly changed seats to watch some women shake their ass. There were cute guys shaking theirs too, but no guy moved. Will say one of the drag queens got off stage and went into the audience to "dance". Well she puts her heel up on Buck's arm rest and starts pelvic thrusting. He didn't notice because he was looking at the dancers on stage (and it was a very bad make up job on her) until I started laughing and pointing. He kinda wished he could unsee that. It was fun, but did kinda drag on. Ned has promised Ted to take him up to Minneapolis for their pride next year so he can see what a real pride fest and is like. And also see a real drag show I assume.

You know how there are guys that when you look at their face you just know they are built. Well this guy is for sure one of them. And he for sure is built. He just has a body built for sin.
This is another Julius picture I found. This is kinda what I'm more use to seeing. An older man showing a boy the joys of guy on guy action. One reason why I love these comics.
Traditionally Kilts are worn without underwear. This would be the result if I was to wear a kilt. Especially around other guys weird kilts. My dick wakes up when it's free and has a bit of fabric brushing up against it. Plus knowing that the guys around me are free as a bird would be too tempting.
I'm so glad I didn't have access to something like this growing up. Then again my dad had a Muscle and Fitness subscription which is basically the same thing. The only difference is that there's more of a focus on the junk and ass.
doe is your dad a bodybuilder? his dad had a Muscle and Fitnes wow .i loved this magazine! their men are so amazing and beautiful i´ll take the pic 1 for me he´s handsome!
ReplyDeleteNo he's not. He just subscribed to the magazine. He use to try to workout, but seemed to go in phases.
Deletedoe who is this guy on the Muscle and Fitness magazine?
ReplyDeleteThe guy isn't actually from muscle and fitness. I was explaining that I wish I had a catalog like this growing up.