Yes the internet has brought us some amazing things, but at the same time sometimes I think it's the source of some of my problems. For instance I think my expectation of a relationship is a bit too high because of the erotic fiction I find. How did I find it? Surfing around the internet going from link to link. Sometimes I just get sad because I find out a porn couple I like broke up. It shouldn't affect me, but it does and it's so easily found. Thanks to the internet I found out that Monster Mike died last year. Well more of cause a comment made here. It answered the question I asked, but still made me sad. Now yes I know a lot of this is my fault. I'm just saying the internet makes it so easy to find things. Also makes it easy for anybody to post something. There are some days I dread looking through a tube site because someone insists on posting videos of them taking a beer can up the ass or apples. I don't need to see that. You have to take the bad with the good. Thanks to the internet I was able to talk to Rocky LaBarre, Adam Russo, Pete Finland, Mitch Vaughn, and others because of the site twitter. I'm sure there is no way I'd meet them in person unless I got tons of money and managed to fly to the city they were going to be in. Plus I do get to get a lot of the crap I have off my chest. I'm much more likely to type something than I am to write it. Plus having a blog kinda forces me to keep up with it. Until I'm ready to stop that is.

I love vintage photos. I guess the reason being is that there was less editing going on. More time was spent on getting a good photo because you only had so much film. Today everything is all digital so You can just keep clicking away hoping for a better photo. Then there is so much air brushing. In vintage photos the guys were real guys. They weren't edited to be perfect.
This is a guy I'd so follow around the gym if I could. He's just a guy I'd fall for. He has a fantastic body. The body I strive for today. And plus look at the bulge in that jockstrap. Clearly he's packing quite a bit. He could be my personal trainer any day. I know I'd always try my hardest to impress him.
Jockstraps are such an amazing invention. It's amazing how my attitude towards them has changed. Before I would have never worn one. I hated my ass being so exposed, now I would wear one any day. Plus on guys they look amazing. I swear a guy's ass looks better in jocks. Plus it's a fun tease. And you don't have to be a jock to look good in a jockstrap.
Ah kilts.Another piece of fabric I think looks good. I guess because I know that if I could get under there I could give a guy an amazing blowjob in some sort of privacy. With a kilt around you it's just you and the dick in front of you. It's basically like a glory hole mentality. You can't see the guy unless he pulls his kilt up. I'm clearly horny today.
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